Saturday, June 26, 2010

Black and white bathroom :))

The master bedroom that Sindhu is currently occupying. You can see what a mess it is :)) The paint colour was chosen to be soothing :D It was a big mistake actually, turned out much brighter green than we imagined.

Finally this is our bedroom, with an old cot of Chinna baby ammachis (told u we dint have enough money for furniture). I think its gives a rather elegant look to the room, reminds you of older more gracious times :DD

Moving House

Its been about six months since i last wrote something on this blog.The past six months have been kinda crazy for me, with a new job and learning to cope with all the cooking and housework in between. Im just amazed now at all the working women/ men who cope with kids too, and still manage to do all the extra stuff in between....
Besides the job we were also trying to renovate a flat that belongs to Prashanths dad. That was an even more exhausting task. Just trying to communicate with all the workmen was enough to drive us crazy. and we wanted all the best stuff, on a pretty limited budget. we spent countless days running around in parry's corner and vadapalani, looking at tiles and bathroom fittings and taps and what not. The whole project has been a great learning experience for both of us and it seems quite enjoyable now, looking back :))
Prashanth had to suddently leave to Sharjah, before the house was complete, so amma was here for a month to help me set up. She was definitely a god send. I could go happily off to worka nd leave her to fend with the carpenter and the plumber and the mason who all refused to listen to her. I couldnt have managed without her :))
And now that mos tof our money has goen into the house, we dint really have much left over for furniture, so we mostly live at floor level.

Pics below

The painted hall, the focal point of this house that everyone likes:) Somehow by chance, the whole house has turned out to be in varying shades of pink, something we definitely did not intend, but seems quite good now :)

One of our few furniture buys, and the best in my opinion - the table housing our TV, DVD player and assorted electronics. It was one of those instant buys, we bought as soon as we saw. But as amm keeps telling me, i only bought it, didnt design it, so i shouldnt keep boasting about it so much :)

This is the huge dining room, dosent show so much in the pic though. The tiny dining table turned out to be accidentaly good. We bought in among the chaos and madness of saravana stores, in a much lighter colour. But it turned out to be this dark "mahogany" which we like better now so decided to keep.

My favourite place - my kitchen. ITs bright yellow with light wood cabinets. Of course i feels its a little too much for me, for the amount of cookign that i do :D but i relaly enjoy it :DD

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

sidarth trying out a tamil movie.
anandhi as always on the phone. mohan mama entertained us with tales how appa was when he was young.
the family that made aclean sweep at thumbola.
sharing the welcome drink. smart girl in green t shirt is samyu -gomus kid. al set to break hearts at medical college.
the women enjoying a gossip session. chithi hiding behind us
to avoid dr. jeyachandrans aim.

two chithis with active participation

only today i was able to access the blog.

about our get together. we were a motley lot of 18 people in toto with mainly four families dr jeyachandrans, kapus, nirmala chithi with grand kids and kalus. also attending was anandhi. organising it was upsetting because it was more of ;nays;'' thAN "YES'. in the end we went by sheer grit wondering how the day would be with such an assorted group.
but to everyones surprise we enjoyed ourselves a lot. day started with a welcome drink and kids went swimming. boys and men played cricket . the highlight of the game was dr. jeyachandran repeatedly aiming at chinna baby chithi with evil design for all he had gone through at her hands.

followed by tambola where there was some fixing going on apparently as all the prizes were swept by gomathis family. a superb lunch followed by a walk and gossip, we dispersed promising to soon get together again.

photos follow later.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dachu's bday party.. at guess where ?

there have been other events photographed and recorded...Anandhis' bday bash and the simply nice family get together... but someone must get the will to upload the photos

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Friday, June 11, 2010



Happy (belated) bday
Dachu, pc, gg, anandhi
Sri, Ravi

Belated Aniiversary wishes to Kap/Ramesh

This is what happens when i dont bring back a copy of the calendar I made for the family with the bdays/anniversaries.

Monday, June 7, 2010

HI everyone
I've just lost my cellphone so don't bother about calling me right now. O course you were just going to.
will inform everyone when and if I get a new one.
Now how do I combat withdrawal symptoms? any ideas/expereince?
I'm getting several complaints that nothing new is happening on the blog. But of cour se, no one thinks they have to do something about it.

I've been helping Dachu with her new flat and arguing daily with capernters, plumbers and masons... enough to drive anyone mad.
And we've been rushing around madly on weedkends shopping , window type for furntirue and then visitng relatives!

Kap is planning a large getotgether of relatives sometime this coming weekend... at a over to her