Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dear All Happy New Year to All of you. Let this New Year Bring all of you fortunes to the tune of your dreams.

Lalli Aunty

Happy New Year

Wishing you all A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS, HEALTHY NEW YEAR, wherever you are in the world.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Since there have been no new posts for a while, posting some pics of our trip to Canberra over the weekend.

This is the War Memorial, one of canberra's main attractions. it sounds boring but it actually isnt. The way the memorabilia have been presented, especially the area which houses fighter aircraft and submarine torpedos with news reels and commentaries makes you think about wars and bomber aircrafts and people who give up their lives for the country.

This is Parliament House. Open to all and these are views from the roof. Simple and graceful.
But Canberra is like a ghost town. Planned, laid out neatly and hardly any people around.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

the tale of 2 mothers,

last month was fun with both kalai and kalu off to see their daughters and both facing the plane trips with alarm. kalai flying to hyderabad from coimbatore put in more preparation than kalu who was off to australia.!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Aussie Sunday

Father and son, happy to be together.
Reserved Forest! Prashanth was a little put off when I said it was not a patch .on the Ooty sholas. The trees look rather young dont they and the whole effect like Mudumalai
The beautiful beautiful view from Bald Hill... the seas are so greeny blue!And a special road goes along the coastline for many miles.. its fabulous.
Typical granma
A-typical granma on Harley-Davidson bike and biker owner nearby
Dachu - happy to be out of the house

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nice to hear....

Hi kalu... nice to hear about Sydney... enjoy to the core and forget about calories.. cos u can walk and drain them..try to post some pics..

Saturday, November 19, 2011


HI Everyone

Am in Sydney finally. And getting into the groove of life abroad. No worrying about water, hot and cold, electricity, gas, broadband...
This is genteel suburbia with broad roads, nice looking houses, quiet and peace, pavements, treelined streets, supermarkets all around within walking distance, bus station, railway station.. library closeby.
This is an ethnic neighbourhood and I myself am a little tired of seeing Indian faces.. not that they acknowledge you in any way.
The variety in the supermarkets is a little stunning and disconcerting. Too much of choice.
Prices are oh my.. I have to learn to think in dollars and not in rupees.
China is a great leveller in making the world flat and a little smaller.Most things are made there and seem to be sold cheaper in India.

The new vehicle here is the pram// everywhere and used in doubles/triples and as a shopping basket. Advaith being indian born refuses to sit in it for more than 15 min... but we are slowly getting better.

Days are long too with the sun setting at 8 p.m. really can't keep time with the sun.

ah yes the desserts.. enjoying them and the chocs..
pics sometime

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Manged to find a profile of Surya.

Lamp painting, mehindi and Uthra and her friends dancing to some song....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deepavali in Vancouver

With the future premier of BC - Adrian Dix

Interesting Info :Of the 40 plus people there, other than Vishy and myself there was only one other person who was Tamil and only the 3 of us celebrate Diwali.

Deepavali celebrations in Vancouver

Kal and Dachu, notice that matching Blue set, which we picked together.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Deepavali

Yup, that is my Deepavali prep this year. -Gulab jamuns, badam halwa, coconut burphy and a first time trial of murrukku

I hear lots of people saying Im jobless and missing Advaith.
the second is true but not the first.

See our newly furbished library for children

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For Rakesh

This is for Rakesh who is NY on a short term assignment and hopefully, missing his wife.

Two spoilt cute devils with amachi

15 years later!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Beautiful Baby contest

Unearthed some old snaps at sivananda colony

Im looking at you - and I wont stand any nonsense ! BABU

Im getting up and travelling; you can't keep me down -SAKTHI

Im gathering strength- all the better to scream louder -SINDHU

I'm the winner of course! ADVAITH

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lalli Aunty.