Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello world

Yesterday, Dachu decided to make Apple cake since we have so many apples from all the visitors who are visiting PC. Somehow, people associate any form of illness/disability with a disability in eating too which is misplaced. Appetites get whetted when people are cooped up at home and crave variety too. Which is why dachu was making the cake.

I said later'why don't you ask me anything?" - meaning help while making the cake.
And she said 'Why should I?'
I had to say 'for instance, I could have told you where the maida is so you didnt have to make the cake out of atta '

But still the cake is good and she is going steady with it.
Anyone who wants the recipe can apply.
The pic is borrowed and just to make people hungry and jealous

Also, I would like to thank Nirmala chitti, Thambi, Sakthi, Lalli Aunty, Mama who all read the news of our intruder attack and subsequent injuries to PC on the blog and called with concern.

PC has gone to Ganga today for a review and hopefully, hopefully one of the plaster casts will come off so he can use at least one hand. Things can only get better

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dr.Jana in Hattiesburg

Hi! All of you know ?????????

Dr.ERA JANARTHANAM is in Hattiesburg???????

Friday, April 1, 2011


hey guys
past few months just opening the blog now and then checking out if anybody has posted anything....but seems like the whole family is just as lazy as me:)....
well there are no doubts where my genes r from..
anyways how r u guys ..hope everyone is ok..especially pc peripa who was attacked by a robber and had to undergo an operation , dont know the details 4 sure.....hope u r ok peripa...

and a heatry congrats to dachu:):):):):):):):):):):):)::):))::))::))::):):):):):)):) second nephew this side of the family:).....prasahant anna too congrats ..people tend to forget congratulating the father :P:P:P:P...

well other than tat my coll is goin on ok....few problems were there and suddenly they r all strict(acting) , so it been quite a while since i have been 2 chennai so missing that:)...
btw for those who dint know i got my lappy:):):).....thanks 2 all my perimas and thatha.....well using it for al the good reasons till now:P:P.....

other than tat guys keep posting in blog..just a weekly update of wats happ in ur life

looooooveee sajit:)