Saturday, May 28, 2011

football and cricket

Heading off to Wembley Stadium, London for the The European Cup Final with Anya today.
The same day as the IPL final.
Wishing both my England local team Manchester United and my Indian local team CSK come out in flying colours.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Car Rally!!!

Carried out a long time dream yday. Went on a cross country car Rally - with DAchu and a friend and advaith!

It wasn't a speed rally but a time-distance- speed one where you have to control the speed between points. Since the speed was generally around 20-35 km suited a slow driver like me. You need a good navigator mainly which Dachu was.

It was through the valleys and hills around Ooty... a scenic dream and to places we've never been. Bengalmuttom, Thoduvarmuttom, and all sorts of small hattis...

60 km of roughish and smooth terrain.Since the Santro is a highish car(compared to all the newbies) and is an oldish car, was ideal.

A great experience.

more pics on facebook

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Uthra!

Happy birthday to one of the smartest, most beautiful, sassy and happiest little girl we know.
We all hope you have a great day today and for the res tof this year

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Hi everyone
I have been one of those people guilty of reading the blog and not writing anything on it. Life has been really busy and hectic for the past two months, with Advaith arriving a little early. And just when we were getting used to him and arriving at a routine, we had some unexpected visitors in the night. Appa was out of action for about a month and has just started going to the clinic for half a day. So we are just getting back to normal (Touchwood!!)
I am finally getting a little time to do something else other than feeding and sleeping :).The atta cake was the result :) I actually tried the cake with maida the next week but it wasnt as good as the atta one :D Ammachi, the picture on the blog was taken from the recipie site, it wasnt the actual picture of the cake i made :)) Since i finished most of the cake, i can attest to the fact that it tasted really good :)

Advaith is 2 months old now. He is able to recognise my voice and follow when i walk across the room. He also smiles from time to time in his sleep :) . Life after the baby is incredibly full. We dont realise how time flies, while not really doing anything much. Am enjoying it but also thinking of the time when i have to go back to Sydney and manage alone. I really dont know how i will be able to do that :)