Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dear All Happy New Year to All of you. Let this New Year Bring all of you fortunes to the tune of your dreams.

Lalli Aunty

Happy New Year

Wishing you all A HAPPY, PROSPEROUS, HEALTHY NEW YEAR, wherever you are in the world.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Since there have been no new posts for a while, posting some pics of our trip to Canberra over the weekend.

This is the War Memorial, one of canberra's main attractions. it sounds boring but it actually isnt. The way the memorabilia have been presented, especially the area which houses fighter aircraft and submarine torpedos with news reels and commentaries makes you think about wars and bomber aircrafts and people who give up their lives for the country.

This is Parliament House. Open to all and these are views from the roof. Simple and graceful.
But Canberra is like a ghost town. Planned, laid out neatly and hardly any people around.