Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Season's Greetings and Good wishes for the New Year

Wishing everyone good health and happiness

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Good News, She will wait till she finishes her studies,,,,,

Further to the recent post , After the conversation, I am happy to report that the wedding plans are on hold, she will complete her studies first,,,

I did tell her I would be happy about this , but please wait till you graduate,,,,after all you are only four Medha ,,,,,

She has reluctantly agreed,,,,,

The wedding team can relax now, a few years to go !!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Harini and Jagdish

Dear Haru and Jagdish,

Wishing you all the best in your married life



Nandhika is a lead actress in a play and perfomed in Chennai as well. It had some good reviews in |The Hindu as well.The same play was  submiited in an Interschool competition and as it was for upto Tenth Std Kids - She was designated as the Director and kept a tight leash on the show
It has now won at Coimbatore, Chennai, and recently at the South zone finals at Bangalore as well. She is off to Calcutta now for the All India finals !!
She also got a good review in the Hindu as well for her books ,

Please see below

12/16/12 The Hindu : Today's Paper / IN SCHOOL : Writing her way to perfection… 1/2
Today's Paper » IN SCHOOL
Published: December 10, 2012 00:00 IST | Updated: December 10, 2012 04:56 IST
Writing her way to perfection
Preeti Zachariah
The first thought that hits me when I hear her speak is this-“How precocious she sounds.” Her low, pleasant, lightly
accented voice does not hesitate or stammer, her narrative is clear, crisp and lucid.
Then she laughs and youth slips through — rife with vibrant dreams, secret longings and effervescent hope.
Meet Nandhika Nambi, all of sixteen with two novels under her belt and one more on its way. “There’s quite a tale
behind my first book, Sally’s World-Always Shaking . It was intended to be a short story but it just didn’t stop
writing itself and it added up to a substantial number of words. I sent it to my father the day I completed it. A few
months later, on my twelfth birthday my father surprised me with a published copy of my book.”
There was no looking back. “I took up writing very seriously after that,” she says. “I read and reread my first book,
slowly realising all the things I needed to change about my writing and tried to make as much of an improvement as I
could, on my second book.”
Her second book One good turn is the story of a young girl who lives in Britain and loves singing. How she enters a
talent competition and lives her passion forms the theme of the novel. “I’m very proud of it (the book) though I haven’t
been able to follow it with another work.” she adds. “My third book is still in the making.”
Are her protagonists always young girls? That laugh again. “Oh yes,” she says. “Even my third book has a young girl as
its central character. I guess it’s because I understand them a lot more. I couldn’t get into the mind of a boy.”
So where does she cull her stories from?. Does she see herself in the people she creates?
“Well I was born in Coimbatore but moved to England when I was three months old. I had a friend there — Sally, who
was a bit older than me and we did a lot of crazy things together. I called her silly Sally and promised her that one day
I would put everything that we’ve ever done down in a book.”
And that is what she did when she returned to India, eight years later, soon after starting school in Coimbatore.
Did she find adjusting to a new country difficult? “At first, yes. But I’ve always been fascinated by India and I knew I
was better off here.”
Besides writing, this enterprising young woman also adores music, theatre, dance and books.
“I am part of the Vidya Niketan theatre club and really enjoy writing, acting and directing plays. Dance is another
thing I love — although I haven’t danced in a while. I have also just done a Grade 5 in piano and Grade 3 in recorder.
Music for me is another getaway from the world.”
Though she talks about getting away from the world, Nandhika is no introverted wall-flower. She is a people’s person
who loves talking to everyone and is in fact the assistant school pupil leader at Vidya Niketan. And studies do not take
12/16/12 The Hindu : Today's Paper / IN SCHOOL : Writing her way to perfection… 2/2
who loves talking to everyone and is in fact the assistant school pupil leader at Vidya Niketan. And studies do not take
the back seat either.
She loves science, especially Biology and hopes to become a cancer researcher some day.
“I love creative stuff and think it is intrinsic.” she says. “For everything that has happened so far, I have so many
people to thank, especially my father. It has been amazing and I’m grateful for everything that has happened. Though
I do have a lot of things and interests to pursue, writing is what has been and will be the one thing that helps me
discover who I am.”
More In: IN SCHOOL | Today's Paper
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? ? Wedding Bells again ,,,

As a Dad  I got the dreaded call from my daughter, last week, She said I quote " I Love Gurjit ,,,, He is purrfect for me , Can I marry him please,,, My heart sank and said - Please wait till you finish your studies,,, , The way she said He is purffect for me is still ringing in my ears,,,

 I will keep you posted next week,,


Saturday, December 15, 2012


thanks everybody!!!!!
 my marriage was a great hit...
it was a cute and sweet marriage!i enjoyed every bit of it..
all the credit goes to a team of people..and the list has already been put up.
thanks to everyone for being supportive.
thanks for coming at a short notice...
it was really a great and efficient organizing team..
got to know more about a lot of persons in a short gap..
got to know how many people are there for stand by my side and support me in my ups and downs.. much they love me ..
thanks to my lovable family...!!!!!!
thanks for all the blessings...
everything seems to be like a dream come true..
everyone made it a  memorable day in our life...!!!

thanks one and all...!!!
forever haru

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Shortest and Sweetest Wedding

 Harini and Jagdish get ready. Harini of course, can't keep quiet even now.

The yogic pose

 The fun parts

satisfied and brilliantly happy

And the Team!!! Who made this happen. Mostly people from the left with some help from people on the right.

Kapu booked the hall and got the photographer from her department. As a result, she figures in half the photographs, closely rivaling the happy pair. And she executed the master stroke that made Haru happy. Finding a tailor who stitched the designer blouses in two days. One of them was copied in Thuppaki.

The person responsible for Haru looking great is Gomathi, (besides genes) who took charge absolutely of her look.
Anandhi was of course in charge of finding the Iyer, monitoring all ceremonies and reducing them to the basics . So we could pay him less than the going rate. And getting the taxis and the maalais.

Sindhu and Rakesh can take credit for  locating a decorator and fixing the stage decor at an unbelievable price, the night before.. Rakesh  turned up early to look after the hall. while Anandhi , slept in the room upstairs.

Sajit chose the menu  and even though he found a great many dishes unpronounceable, helped in eating them all.

Saroj located the hotel rooms for the bridegroom and co, even going to the lengths of arguing madly with the hotel people  when the inevitable hitch in booking occurred and managing to wrangle a discount from them.

Gigi  MC ed the whole ceremony, touching people's hearts with an impromptu speech. Karthik let her have a free hand while Dhruv kept everyone amused with his antics. Sanjay was in charge of Dhruv and all under 5s.

My contribution was to keep the whole together. And of course, Appa , without whose leadership this would never have happened so well.

Lessons learnt
-A wedding can be organised in 4 days flat on a tight budget. You just need this super duper team and a determined bride.
-Couples can no longer have runaway weddings in temples. Anandhi and I went around to 20 temples to fix one. You need to have 15 - 30 days notice and a host of certificates.
-By doing away with invitations and personal inviting , one cuts down half the work of a wedding. Just one meal, no thengai pais, no deafening nadaswaram, no messy rituals.. make it simple and light on the purse.

And this family certainly is trumps. Except for very few, all those invited turned up in spite of short notice  for love of Kalai, haru and Appa .It was  a very intimate, nice family gathering.

Thank you all

For a better look at Harini' s saree.      Haru and friends. These pics were taken by them so the audience is missing in the pics.

Monday, December 3, 2012

We are happy to announce the wedding of Harini and Jagdish on 9th December at Chennai, in what we hope will be a simple wedding ceremony. Im sure the family will supply the rest of the fireworks to make it colourful.
Details will be supplied as they get finalised. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Anya's application for US universities

I have attached the youtube website of Anya playing her Guitar. Will have to remove it if she objects.