Tuesday, October 21, 2008

happy diwali

back to blog

hi, this pic taken on the way back to chennai, had nice time in cbe for 2 days, ravi and sree held a wonderful function for aswatha, nandika and medha.
wish everybody a happy diwali

Family Time

Back home after a wonderful time at Cbe . Maybe the secret to family get togethers is they should be short and not too much trouble.

Ravi and Sri make wonderful hosts. They make it look effort less- at least they don't look strained and harassed. One of their big secrets is to keep plying guests with food and drink. It keeps coming. And is good.
And they have so much hired help, that guests don't have to do anything unless they want to.
Everything was very well organised and went very smoothly.

All three kids looked great for all the functions. Even both parents , surprisingly:-)) Ravi changed to a yellow shirt discarding his usual red, to give us a break.
When Medha's ears were getting pierced, it was better to study the reactions of all the people around. Would have made great pictures. This is one trouble free baby. Hardly cries.
Nandhika looked tall and grown up in her function and posed with wide grins for the photographer. The backdrop was original and stunning- created by Amudha.
Aswatha was stately during her dance. She's technically perfect, lifting her arms to the right height, executing the steps exactly, rolling her beautiful eyes. 6 girls in deep pink made a feast for the eyes.

Sri looked happy and in her element. There were so many take home gifts done with great great care. The 'seer' thattus too were well planned and gorgeously filled and decorated.

Not too many people, the function at home was cosy and intimate. Relaxed and relaxing. Nice.

Ravi please post some pics after you get over jet lag.

Oh yes, Nandika's book- Sall's world was duly relased. F copies contact proud father who parts with them only if you pay Rs.150. Nandhika gets Rs.70 as royalty for each book you buy.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


dear kal,

sorry about the books. cant seem to part with anything except tamil encyclopedia of 6 volumes.
sajit gave up 8 books of which i took back two.

all are gearing up for 18th i think. and diwali of course.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

a request.

hey people..........
waht happened to that character analysis thing............... what alphabet is going around now...???. about the libraray ,,, people first donate a few to a veeeeeeeeery needy boy who wants to read but has nothing except his school books:( :( :( :(.pleasssssssssssssssse.


Everyone here knows I 've been talking about starting a free library for children (or you should know it if you have proper family interest) .Well, Ive found the place and now I need all the help I can to get it off the ground.

So first, please go to this site and sign the pledge


This needs 500 people to sign up for it to be termed 'successful;' and it's got to be fast.

Then I'll start passing the hat around which too is needed fast.
so come on family, help a worthy cause.. this is the great Rao sahib tradition of public service :-)))))))))))

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hi All...

Nice to be back...
It has been really hectic since starting the new unit of mine. Named it as SAN Scripts. I am yet to start the training division for paucity of time. Just waiting to get settled on the production first and then get into the other one. Nearly spend 12 to 14 hours in the net to please my client, Renee, an Italian settled in Las Vegas. Talk to her about all things on Earth, and just waiting to convert all my investment of time to money. It has been good so far, though with initial hiccups with procuring manpower. Anybody who comes across a good transcriptionist, please do refer to me.. the same way with any healthcare professionals in US please.

It is really like a bachelor's life right now. Eat what i get at the moment, or rush to the nearby mess before he closes his day. New experience though.

Hey Kapu I never thought u noticed my weird look after i heard the chicken was made out of Aachi chicken masala... moral of the incident is look out before you make an excited statement :)

So the next get together is in Ravi's house... but Ravi do tell me how are u going to manage 3 functions on the same day, same venue.... except for the arangettram?!??!??
and i am waiting for that day as that would be the first day after being on veg food for the past one month (purattaasi ). Any good menu on that day?!?!!!?!?!?


hi everybody.

hi ,
kal thanks for the list of chariot of the gods.  sanju kills me of with questions from mythology day in and day out.  luckily somethings are stuck in my memory.  how i long for thatha to answer his questions.

can anyone help me understand teenage boys.  sajit wants new caps as the new ones he has, like from emirates etc cant be worn outside.  [does he mean that he wants to wear them inside the house!!!]  .  he wants something which doesnt proclaim from where it has come,  something unique.    and then he spends 500 bucks buying  2 jerseys which says newfoundland football or something of that sort.  whats unique about it ??????

we had a small golu at home.  wil put up snaps later. 

what is everyone buying for diwali.  itried on new jeans as i have no mother in law or husband nearby to protest ,  but finally sense prevailed.and i opted for a churidhar.  [actually the jeans did not fit .  so i have vow ed  to lose weight.  of course after diwali.  who can diet during the festival of sweets???.]



Vehicles as Symbols Goddess Saraswati's vehicle, the graceful and beautiful peacock denotes that she is the controller of the pursuit of performing arts. Vishnu sits on the primal serpent, which represents the desire of consciousness in humankind. Shiva rides the Nandi bull, which stands for the brute and blind power, as well as the unbridled sexual energy in man - the qualities only he can help us control. His consort Parvati, Durga or Kali rides on a lion, which symbolizes mercilessness, anger and pride - vices she can help her devotees check. Ganesha's carrier, a mouse represents the timidity and nervousness that overwhelm us at the onset of any new venture - feelings that can be overcome by the blessings of Ganesha.

Below is a list of Hindu gods and goddesses who are inseparably linked with their respective 'vahanas':

  • Aditya - seven horses
  • Agni - the ram
  • Brahma - seven swans
  • Durga - the lion
  • Ganesha - the mouse
  • Indra - the elephant
  • Kartikya - the peacock
  • Lakshmi - the owl
  • Saraswati - the swan or the peacock
  • Shakti - the bull
  • Shani - the crow
  • Sheetala - the donkey
  • Shiva - Nandi, the bull
  • Varuna - seven swans
  • Vayu - a thousands horses
  • Vishnu - Garuda, the eagle & Adi Shesha, the serpent
  • Vishwakarma - the elephant
  • Yama - the male buffalo
Courtesy: about .com

Ravi, dont curse. we and the kids need to know about our myths.

Chariots of the Gods

Sindhu and I had a great time today wandering about town and recording the sheer exuberance with which vehicles were decorated for Ayudha Pooja.
While private car owners remained restrained, it was the owners of commercial vehicles who earn a living from their vehicles, who showed the greatest creativity and joy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the fag end of holidays

hi people,,,
                   jus 2 more days for school. this hols were very eventful.first going to hyderabad .the trip was good and i was treated like a minister(druv's the king:) ).the food was exlent cause this was the ramzan season.had a stuff called haleeem ,which is like a mutton porridge with ghee and of course the hyd birayani.went to karthiks farm which was huge and beautiful. already asked dad to buy a farm:). 
               came back to chennai for like 9 hours before i was taken (under protest) to thrichy. my god patti was soooooooooooo thin and weak  ,i jus coudnt look at her.after 4-5 hrs was back in chennai. hey duch tell prasnath anna the hongkong coffe is good.
                 spend 2 days with dad ,had lots of arguments ,fights , and u known the usual making up.
                              then came the moment the whole 11 std waits for ourexcursion. went to mysore and banglore. the hotel was o.k but food --well lets jus say i can make it better. spent all my money on a couple of jerseys hich made mum mad . the trip was good with me lokking at bangalore after 3 yrs,.nothingg much to say about the trip.

                              back in chennai and today bought some clothes which made mum mad again cause i bought a faded shirt for 250 which she thinks is worth 100.

                        k then school starts on fri . getting my papers so alllllllll of u keep ur fingers  *

Saturday, October 4, 2008

reached singapore

well reached sing, took rest , from monday busy for a week,
ramesh flight was at 3 pm , and mine 12 pm yesterday, couldnt meet but spoke to each other.
nothing else same old place

Thursday, October 2, 2008

hi everybody,

went to trichy to see rameshs mum.  its depressing to see such a strong willed person totally dependant on others for everything. is this the way to end ur life. people forget what u were and remembere only the last sad days.   all of us need to be more compassionate.

busy house hunting as usual.  its a weekend hobby waiting for property plus , scanning the suitable houses , a few calls and then decide ---better luck next week.

hoping to see everyone during diwali.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

i'm coming home

i'm coming home tomorrow!!!!!!!
and thats about it.