Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family Time

Back home after a wonderful time at Cbe . Maybe the secret to family get togethers is they should be short and not too much trouble.

Ravi and Sri make wonderful hosts. They make it look effort less- at least they don't look strained and harassed. One of their big secrets is to keep plying guests with food and drink. It keeps coming. And is good.
And they have so much hired help, that guests don't have to do anything unless they want to.
Everything was very well organised and went very smoothly.

All three kids looked great for all the functions. Even both parents , surprisingly:-)) Ravi changed to a yellow shirt discarding his usual red, to give us a break.
When Medha's ears were getting pierced, it was better to study the reactions of all the people around. Would have made great pictures. This is one trouble free baby. Hardly cries.
Nandhika looked tall and grown up in her function and posed with wide grins for the photographer. The backdrop was original and stunning- created by Amudha.
Aswatha was stately during her dance. She's technically perfect, lifting her arms to the right height, executing the steps exactly, rolling her beautiful eyes. 6 girls in deep pink made a feast for the eyes.

Sri looked happy and in her element. There were so many take home gifts done with great great care. The 'seer' thattus too were well planned and gorgeously filled and decorated.

Not too many people, the function at home was cosy and intimate. Relaxed and relaxing. Nice.

Ravi please post some pics after you get over jet lag.

Oh yes, Nandika's book- Sall's world was duly relased. F copies contact proud father who parts with them only if you pay Rs.150. Nandhika gets Rs.70 as royalty for each book you buy.

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