Sunday, November 23, 2008

too busy.

hi ,

i hear that there is a write up about ashwatha and nandhika in the tamil daily. proud uncle goutham has promised to show it to me when he is next in cbe.

house is slowly getting ready. finally put in the nails for the pictures and soap dishes.

sajit tells me blogs are for writing stories ,etc and not to use it as an e mail as i am doing. since i cannot think of anything thought provoking and intresting to write at present i will sign off.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

vaarnam aayiram

After watching a hotshot movie on the second day after release, I'm enjoying the reactions to this little piece of action much more than the movie.

I guess the reactions take on colour only in the light of the background. Which has been rather bleak, living in a 'C' grade mofussil town for many years. Good movies came to town about 6 months or 1 year after release and disappeared before we even knew they had 'hit' town , rather weakly. Even then, theatre going was an event that happened maybe, once a year. Became much less after TV channels recycled every movie you'd never heard of. But, now even Ooty finds a place in a flat world .

And it happened because women in their prime have got over this 'I-have-to-go-with-my-husband" nonsense.

PC: " What, you never told me? "
(I do go to a hundred places and tell him later, but obviously movies fall in a special category)

Kapu: "What was the occasion? No bday , women's day..then why did you go?"
( I can hear her thinking, jobless women - sheer jealousy)

Darshini : "I must see if its running in a theatre in Bombay".
Me: "Don't waste 100 or 200 rupees on it."
( the last falls on deaf ears).

Sajid : "its okay if its not too good. you did it ,no."
( just doing it and ahead of the pack is the point )

Harini : "Oh, why did my Dad put me in this forsaken college. He's so bad".
( movies rate far above life plans )

Sindhu: " Why is life like this? You don't even know who is acting in it You can't even appreciate it. And you get to see it in a theatre. In Ooty!
And with all the aunties!! And I have to download it and see it on my laptop. Oh God.Why is life so unfair?"

I am sitting back and grinning like a Cheshire cat. Have to go and make some calls. Didnt know it was so easy to stir up the green eyed monster.
Any more?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

back in circulation.

hi everybody,
things are slowly getting into place. and we are accepting those that we cannot change,for eg our habit of books everywhere,never putting things into place, still planning to buy the welcome mat for the doorstep,meanwhile we are using sajits old t shirt etc etc. our house owner is away for 10 days so planning to bang in some few nails . when the cat is away ----.

missing sandy a lot. it used to be the first one to greet me when i came home. the thought that it may be illtreated somewhere else gives me lot of sleepless nights. slowly trying to accept the inevitable. i suppose time is a great healer.

ravi good to hear of the success of ur meeting. its always the small things that make the most impression. we do forget it at times. maybe we can gat a few tips from u when we organise things. any suggestions for sanjus birthday with the minimum of work and minimum of guests as i have to do it alone and i feel lazy as usual.

darshu -that was a good poem to ur mum. pleaase coach sajit !!!!.

sajit has to wear specks. he has been going around half blind in one eye. everybody is asking me how come u dint know he cant see, are u too busy ? dont u spend time with the kids etc etc. that chap even now doesnt admit that he cant see the board, or movies etc. so how is a poor mother supposed to know. ayway gave him a kick in the pants for giving me such a bad name. itold him that i would get him one for 500 rs only and i would see how he takes care of it and only then get him a costly one after 1 year.Brave words. i landed up buying one for 1200 rs. though i kept harping to him that only after 25 years of waering specks have i moved into the 1000 rs range it fell on deaf ears.

ok thats enough gossip i think at present.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


HI everyone ,

our blog has been rated on a website.
Please see the rated blog here:
I don't know what it actually means but still we are up there :-))))

Ravi, Good to see your post and your terrific organization. Congratulations it went off well.We do care. We can get some tips from you And can count on your to organize family functions. :-)

The family never got to read Nan's book :-((( is she busy with the next?

Kar, nice to see the pics of Deepavali but which one is you?

Kap should get a phone connection soon and kalai too.
But where are the rest?

I am back !

Well after a hectic time with everyone in India and came back and had to organise a meeting at work,
went well as usual as i was well versed in arranging meetings ( Rotaract club president remember !!"""??) everyone said it was the best meeting that they had gone to , simple things like greeting everyone with a cake or coffee or juice as their preference , floor plans, neat book like brochure, all went a long way in promoting the meeting ,
anyway enough of this boast ( like you all care whther it went well or not !)

nan's book is out for some time and she is revelling in all the attention,
ash is busy with dances and she blames a dip in her marks on the dances
any excuse eh
medha is keeping everyone on their toes eating everything on the floor,

will write something readable soon

Friday, November 14, 2008


The living room which is supposed to be pristine and kept for visitors only.Obviously not.

Sajit's ganesha collection. Many people have contributed to it. You may feel more upset when you see the book collection to which you may have contributed more than you know.

In between Kapu moved house. As only she can, with a minimum of stress and planning. she took only half a day off and fixed the lorry only the day before. As she was presenting a paper somewhere, she was precoocupied . Half the things were packed and the rest left to the movers which they did very efficiently and with a speed which left us amazed. We felt a bit sad that we had even packed the other half.

Evening before we had gone to see the house and Sajid locked up. Next day he went off to school and only he knew where the house key was.
Well, things do turn out right eventually and before things were finally loaded into the lorry; he came back. Meanwhile Kapu had gone off to do things like changing a kurta of appa's and so on.

The lorry left and Kap with it, by scooter. Sajid and I were left behind with the other half of things. She called to check whether the new house keys were here. They were! She came back to get them. Meanwhile we had lunch at a neighbour's- the first time they have ever invited Kap and family. First and last.

The new house is lovely. Old, large, with white pristine floors, spotlight with dim, dimmer lights in the false ceilings and moulded borders. A huge white bathroom that must have been two baths before . Space at the back for parties.

The presence of God is always here. Sambrani fragrance wafts in and bhajans call from the temple every evening. The mosque calls the faithful to prayer from a few houses away. Further away, thankfully, is the strident voice of the Pentecostal church trying to convert us. 'More supermarket' is two houses away; something I really enjoyed -popping in there to buy two items thrice a day.

The only sad part was loosing Sandy the day we moved. Someone left the gate open and with crackers around, she must have got scared and gone out and not known the way back.

I had a great 'surpise' birthday party after many many years. Thanks to dachu, Prashanth and Kapu. Chittis called up and cousins turned up. One must celebrate bdays too in strange places.

Wish I'd taken more pics but Kap can supply the rest.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday amma.
My inspiration for all things creative and crazy
You taught me to look beyond the ordinary
To take everything the world has to offer
With open arms
Heres wishing you a year of adventure and new experiences