Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am back !

Well after a hectic time with everyone in India and came back and had to organise a meeting at work,
went well as usual as i was well versed in arranging meetings ( Rotaract club president remember !!"""??) everyone said it was the best meeting that they had gone to , simple things like greeting everyone with a cake or coffee or juice as their preference , floor plans, neat book like brochure, all went a long way in promoting the meeting ,
anyway enough of this boast ( like you all care whther it went well or not !)

nan's book is out for some time and she is revelling in all the attention,
ash is busy with dances and she blames a dip in her marks on the dances
any excuse eh
medha is keeping everyone on their toes eating everything on the floor,

will write something readable soon

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