Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year everyone!!!

May all of us prosper and this blog prosper too !!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


mom bday......:)

hey people...........
this was moms birth day party....suprise 4 everyone ( including me i swear)..
well my job was 2 get my gold fish bowl ready by 23 mor... it was my gift... well wat happ in mor i had no clue cause i got up very late and was nt able 2 meet mom
evevnin at around 4 30 around 10 of my friends bargeded into the house...... i just loved the expression on dad s face they got a cake wit and said its mom s party.... party was arranged and my friends were all called by priyanka ...hats off 2 her.....well they waited 4 some tima and as usual mom was late soo many had 2 go back .... dad kept the snacks goin by fryin some frozen snacks......then she arrived and after the suprice and the snow sprayin she cut the cake had some snacks.....then took all my friends to kfc in sky walk.....
came back and went wit dach prasanth and anandi attai 2 buharies....had a interestin time as they compared the new one 2 the old............................

Friday, December 25, 2009

memories floodin back...............

a restless night. not able 2 sleep peacefully. something was jus botherin my mind. got up and sat next to the window , had a look at the phone . it was 1 in the mor. next day was my chem half yealy exam. but i knew the tension was not the cause of my restlessness. looked out of the window. it was rainin heavily. somethin white ran past. was it real or was it jus my imgination............ but i found the cause mind was bothered about sandy.......... i jus sat and jus recolleceted everythin

the first time i saw it wit its sis. all black pups but this was unique fawn.... knew this was the one 4 me my perfect birthday gift...took it back home in our red maruthi.....7007. wit dad going on about how it will make the seats dirty..... remember the 1st time we left it wit kalai perima while we had 2 go 2 coimbatore.....haru was scared soo scared that they left it in a big blue tub and it used 2 bark the house down......

chinna pattti feedin it wit coffee...... used 2 wonder how it likes it until mom explained jus like i lov ice cream it loves coffee. the fight which mom and dad had about takin sandy 2 bangalore........was jus sittin shocked.....

every time we went 2 rajamundiry would wait 2 return home 2 see it.......emember the time it had its puppies,...... and every time we sold one it reall hurt but thats life

well they say u oly miss somethin when it leaves....and its very true.....its left a void in my life......a gr8 companion and a lovin creature..............

i can feel tears runin down my face saw the time again it was 3 ....i seriously needed some sleep....soo went back 2 bed and .............mor went to mom and asked mom how about gettin a dog............. and i think everyone can guess the ans

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Show Will Go On

Bad news. Karthy, falling down the stairs ( who pushed her ???)cracked her tail bone and now, can't sit down.Just a week before her long-planned India trip.

But, belonging to the stoic Rao Sahib strain, is sticking to her plans and will be here soon.

Birthday wishes

Cheerful, scatterbrained, hardworking,ambitious, ready to help, cracker of mad and bad jokes, the despair of her husband, the light of her son's lives, the favorite of all nieces, youngest in the pecking order but determined not to stay there... we all love to have her light presence around.

Happy Birthday Kapu

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

hi lalli ammachi, gg here. pictures are wonderful. hasini looks extremely cute..wen r u planning to come to INDIA? give my love to chelvi akka..hope she's doing time to keep posting on the site cos of the li'l devil...DHRUV.....

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hasini in Grandma's house at Hattiesburg

some more photos for you.
Thanks giving day dinner--Chelvimma the chief chef. some pictures taken at gulf port near gulf of Mexico--some in my house--
Lalli Aunty

God Gave me A Real Angel

Hello! Every one,
I really had a wonderful time with my little princess Hasini.Her birthday was celeberated before Jan.29th.My grand daughter enjoyed her break with grand-ma.
I am attaching few photos for you all.
Lalli aunty

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Hello everyone

Am settled in Chennai finally, looking for a job right now. So sort of an accidental housewife :DD We stay in Thiruvanmiyur, right next to the beach, so everyone is welcome :) Its interesting and hair raising at the same time - the process of running a house. I enjoyed setting it up, and getting everythign in order. I was pleasantly surprised to discover i actually like cooking :)) So im kinda enjoying this break from work for a while.
Looking for a job now is rather frustrating, especially with the smaller number of companies here. But i am developing a thick skin, goign to a lot of interviews and getting rejected. Im kinda turning into a pro I think :d

Details of my ordeal are here -


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I am at home !

For those of you who look at the blog and dont contribute ( thats mainly me ! ) a few lines to break the monotony of seeing Goutham's pic
Came back today home sweet home takes a few days for everyone to accept me among their midst and then it seems time to go !
I dont know if thats a good thing !
Work is as usual, life goes on ,,
whats happening with the others ,,