Monday, May 10, 2010


Its all or nothing...

Uthra and i took part in a 10k run...we walked -yesterday....People complete it in 30 mins on, we did it in 21/2 usual time in the last 4 years is 1.50mins. So i blame the delay on uthra...
She was pretty good and didnt wine too much...

3 posts in 5 mins....the first for this year, i have one in draft about the india trip


kallu said...

Oh this is really great.... that you do it every year. Is anything available in chennai I wonder? All you chennaiites plesae do look up something. checni, maybe we can do this in our 50th?

kalpana said...

thats really great. just imagining a 1o km walk is too much for me.

Anandhi said...

Hey, How I wish I was there to walk it thru, but i do have an exp. in walking 18 km in 3.5 hours, does it match yours? or me better?