Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For my dad :)

I’m sure that my Dad,

Is better than all the rest.

Want to know why?

Because I’m truly blessed.

He saves people

By seeing them just once,

I’m sure your dad can’t do that,

Not a chance.

He never shouts,

He never screams,

It’s true, though,

It’s hard to believe.

He’s always there for me,

Yes, night and day

I can call him anytime,

Though he’s 8000 miles away.

That may seem like far

But trust me it’s not.

He comes ever so often

And I see him a lot.

He’s as good looking as Rajini Kanth

As cool as Jackie Chan

And this you may not believe,

But he only ever says to me “I can”

He laughs, he jokes

He’s the coolest father to have,

To everyone else he’s the “funny uncle”

But to me, he’s “Dad”

His mokkais may not be hilarious

But they make my day

They lighten up the mood

When there is nothing left to say.

Does your dad stay up with you half the night?

When you’re mugging up what you can

Mine does, well I told you

He’s truly the nicest dad to have.

And oh my! When he tells a story

The whole world should stop to listen

It is not only the best dad,

But also the best storyteller I am given.

I’m not the best daughter

That I must admit

Sometimes I shout, I scream

But what I say, I don’t mean one bit.

Every now and then I realise

How much I love my Dad

Then I remember what I said to him that day

And I can’t help but feel bad.

But my Dad doesn’t take anything to heart

He knows I don’t mean what I say

Whenever I’m feeling down

He brings happiness into my day.

He listens to all my problems

And solves them, anytime

When things get tough, I call him

In seconds he’s on the line.

So after all this, I’m sure you’re surprised,

Well, I told you such

Out of all dads, mine is the best

And I love him very, very much.


goutham said...

wonderful ,u put out ur heart,

karthy said...

I agree with you Nandika,
your dad is truly unique,i have never seen him scream,yell.His jokes are a killer and he can tell a story.....you are truly fortunate and i have not heard a NO from him....of course he is giving/generous to friends and foes....

Nandhika Nambi said...

thnkz :) an oh... now that the payment has been made im sure its safe to tell yu that all the compiments were actually added because of my dads promise of a months supply of chocolates !!! (i couldnt resist - though now i feel the rajini kanth thing was a little too much =P)

goutham said...

listen nandika
ur uncle kumar in new york and ur father great fans of rajinikanth, so no prob for ur choclates

kalyani said...

Okay Nandika you piled it on too thick.. but all for a good cause.
Well, Rajini is not exactly in the good looking race... so its all okay.

babu said...

Ravi be afraid... very afraid, I hope you can get what you want