Friday, July 9, 2010

Nandhika's poem for school year book

If good is on our side

Who’s to say? The tables won’t turn,

Who’s to say? Things won’t change,

Because you and I know,

Things won’t always be the same.

So who cares if he’s rich?

Who cares if she’s poor?

Were all the same,

Not at the crust but the core.

We all have regrets

We all have dreams

We all need each other,

We’re all part of one big team.

It’s not to do with the surface

Think about what's inside

We all want to be liked

We all want to live a happy life.

So why should we not work together?

When we have the same goals in mind?

We belong to team “Earth”

We’re all of the same kind.

And who’s to say? We will never fail,

Who’s to say? Tomorrow will always come

One day we’ll be poor the next maybe rich

We only get one life, so why be glum?

Today the waiter who serves us,

We might have to serve tomorrow.

We are all of the same class,

There is no status too low.

Don’t ever be sad

Because life is to live

And to this world,

We have so much to give.

Give it your best shot,

We only get one chance at life,

At least be humane,

That should suffice.

Where’s the pleasure in being boastful?

What good comes from being mean?

For any of us at times, things may get so crazy,

We just want to stand back and scream.

With all this, who cares how many cars we have?

Is being who we really are, lame?

When everything goes wrong,

Who do we blame?

It’s the simple things we should do

In fact just a smile,

Can make someone else happy,

It’s not a waste of time.

Be good to those who are good to you

Ignore those who aren’t

And to someone who is in need

Never, ever say “I can’t”.

Sometimes, we must say sorry first

But we don’t lose our dignity and pride,

We know we’re losing minutes of happiness

In a pointless fight.

Because you know and I know,

That life is just a game

We’re players on this board

Till death calls our name

So make your mark

Don’t live to be forgotten,

Do something good,

Be worthy of Heaven.

There will be something’s you can’t reach,

And some that you can,

Aim for the ones up high,

Soon, you’ll have a plan.

Take life as it comes,

Just surf the tide.

Keep in mind that things will get better,

If good is on our side.

Nandhika Nambi 9c


kalpana said...

simply amazing. hats off !!!!!

kalyani said...

Nandhika.. so much philosophy in one (we think ) so young. And with such easy flow of language.. great great ...keep going Nan

goutham said...

chumma atiruthu, when reading it, very proud of u ma NANDHIKA

chendhi said...

It was quite nice to read especially
from someone so young.
You can also do one thing.
You can ask your father too to
contribute something instead of
just posting yours.

Nandhika Nambi said...

thanks!!!!!!!! :D