Sunday, July 31, 2011

battle of the bathrooms

hi everybody,
ramesh and me had a constant war regarding who made the bathroom dirty.i was 100%sure it was him whom i had to clean up behind. so i decided enough is enough ,i have to proove once and for all that he is the culprit.
so past 1 week i have been using sajits bathroom, day 1 & 2, when ramesh is away i sneak into the master bathroom , look at the floors, basin,toilet, not a speck of dirt. slightly discouraged, i console myself . day 4 & 5 its still clean, i panic ,self doubts arise,was i the one who actually made it dirty?

and then i caught him red handed . he was using the common bathroom [sanjus] all these days!!!!!. wasnt i relieved .i dint have to eat humble pie. never one to let sleeping dogs lie, i motivated sanjay--dadys dirtying ur bathroom while keeping his clean. he rose nicely to the occassion and shooed ramesh out.

so now all three of us bend over backwards to keep the respective bathrooms clean and not let the rivals find a weak spot. the result 3 clean bathrooms,

how long will it last ! till sajit comes and lays claims on his bathroom i suppose and we will be back at square one .
other families can use this method to keep ur bathrooms clean.


kallu said...

Brilliant post, kap. You are among the very few , or should I say, the only one who shares bits of her life with actual writing.
Everyone enjoys your anecdotes which are really human and funny but alas, lack the will to actually say so.
But, keep writing.
And thanks for the tip on keeping bathroom clean. Families, all prepare for exclusive and competitive bath maintenance.

Priyadarshini said...

Nice method Kapu chitti :))) Will take note
And i agree with amma, its fun reading all your anecdotes.. keep writing

kalpana said...

thanks to both of u, for taking the time to reply