Tuesday, August 23, 2011

good news

1)Sajit has been selected for the University Cricket team

2) Anandhi is starting on a new job and with great difficulty has torn away from Chennai to take training for 3months in bangalore. This company is for hair transplants so Ram, if you read this you could probably do it cheaper in India:-)))

It also makes me realise how terrific so man;y of the women in our family are - after 40 and 50, they shift to new places and start life fresh... which gets more difficult as we age.
Kudos to Lalli aunty and Sakthi
And to Kalai who started working after she became a grandma
And our wonderful chittis who've become globe trotters

And now Vidya anddn Thambi who are relocating to Hydrebad.

Good wishes to Sandhya and Aditya in their new jobs


kalpana said...

well put kal as usual. but i think its time some of the men in the family get praised even if they dont deserve it !!!!!

like babu for escorting two chithis to and fro to singapore with a casino visit thrown in.


Lalithakumari said...

Why not Dr.Jana for baby sitting Hasini in his 70s.
Lalli Aunty

babu said...

I could write a book about it Babu

Priyadarshini said...

Aunty, true..at his age to do something new and tiring..as usual he wants to write a book

Maybe the men in our family will be writing books soon. on different kinds of experiences :-)))

Kumaran said...

I sense that there is a disconcerted effort within my wonderful family to bunch me with "40 something" people of the world and make me appear old and grouchy. I am here to affirm that I am not yet that "40 something" number yet. How could we be specially when we belong to the erstwhile Rao Sahib family :-)

kallu said...

Hello Mr. Kumaran, it slipped my memory that male members of the RS family, never make it past 40. Genetically, most of you keep your hair. And mentally, well.. here is Mama putting up a play at 70+ ! well, I dont know if he admits to this age or is less than 40 too.
enrum markendyans or Kumarans, stay ungrouchy:-))