Friday, February 24, 2012

Mission Impossible

hi everybody,
sanju and me are on a mission impossible--- killing off all the ornamental fish in chennai.
we have a small goldfish bowl where in we have just started an aquarium. but the fish keep dying and we keep replinishing the stock. we are on our 10th pair of fish within the last 1 month and one died today. of course we buy the cheapest fish available.

AIESEC -Internship

hey guys,

i know its been a long time people.. anyways how u all been???.. i am doing good .coll is not bad, going on.
anyways coming to the news.....i have recently been recruited in an organization called AIESEC ( hope at least some of u have heard of it....).anyways it the worlds largest student organization and i had to attend a gd and interview and all....:P:P....
i have been assigned to a the OGX department ....what aiesec does is we give students chance for doing internship in an international arena ...we contact companies abroad and match u with a suitable project in the place and field of interest ....
currently there are two types of internship, development internship-where people go to under developed countries and work in ngo or companies which work towards development of that country.....we will try providing accommodation and other amenities , ......

the other internship is for management students which i have not much info but if needed any info can check and tell...but u have to be doing MBA for that.....

if u people know anyone who would be interested u can give me the info i can contact them and give the details..... the summer signing closes on march 30 ....... it will be a gr8 boost for the resume of the student ....AND VERY IMPORTANT THEY SHOULD HAVE A VALID PASSPORT..... obtaining VISA will be helped....this is for eng , arts , medical students....

bye guys :):):):).......hope i get a client:P:P:P:P.....i need min 10.....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Life without a cellphone...?

NOMOPHOBIA : : fear of being out of reach of a cell phone tower.
or just NO mobile Phone.

How many of us have this problem now? All??

While I existed happily without a cellphone in Australia for 3 months; back home and im tied to it again.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Amma's death anniversary

We remembered Amma yday, 19th of Feb with a small pooja.
We being Kalai, kalyani, kapu. Ravi too dropped in, so it was like old times.
Lots of eating. And more chat.

Sanjay, one of the grandsons who never knew her; did the decor and puja.