Sunday, December 16, 2012


Nandhika is a lead actress in a play and perfomed in Chennai as well. It had some good reviews in |The Hindu as well.The same play was  submiited in an Interschool competition and as it was for upto Tenth Std Kids - She was designated as the Director and kept a tight leash on the show
It has now won at Coimbatore, Chennai, and recently at the South zone finals at Bangalore as well. She is off to Calcutta now for the All India finals !!
She also got a good review in the Hindu as well for her books ,

Please see below

12/16/12 The Hindu : Today's Paper / IN SCHOOL : Writing her way to perfection… 1/2
Today's Paper » IN SCHOOL
Published: December 10, 2012 00:00 IST | Updated: December 10, 2012 04:56 IST
Writing her way to perfection
Preeti Zachariah
The first thought that hits me when I hear her speak is this-“How precocious she sounds.” Her low, pleasant, lightly
accented voice does not hesitate or stammer, her narrative is clear, crisp and lucid.
Then she laughs and youth slips through — rife with vibrant dreams, secret longings and effervescent hope.
Meet Nandhika Nambi, all of sixteen with two novels under her belt and one more on its way. “There’s quite a tale
behind my first book, Sally’s World-Always Shaking . It was intended to be a short story but it just didn’t stop
writing itself and it added up to a substantial number of words. I sent it to my father the day I completed it. A few
months later, on my twelfth birthday my father surprised me with a published copy of my book.”
There was no looking back. “I took up writing very seriously after that,” she says. “I read and reread my first book,
slowly realising all the things I needed to change about my writing and tried to make as much of an improvement as I
could, on my second book.”
Her second book One good turn is the story of a young girl who lives in Britain and loves singing. How she enters a
talent competition and lives her passion forms the theme of the novel. “I’m very proud of it (the book) though I haven’t
been able to follow it with another work.” she adds. “My third book is still in the making.”
Are her protagonists always young girls? That laugh again. “Oh yes,” she says. “Even my third book has a young girl as
its central character. I guess it’s because I understand them a lot more. I couldn’t get into the mind of a boy.”
So where does she cull her stories from?. Does she see herself in the people she creates?
“Well I was born in Coimbatore but moved to England when I was three months old. I had a friend there — Sally, who
was a bit older than me and we did a lot of crazy things together. I called her silly Sally and promised her that one day
I would put everything that we’ve ever done down in a book.”
And that is what she did when she returned to India, eight years later, soon after starting school in Coimbatore.
Did she find adjusting to a new country difficult? “At first, yes. But I’ve always been fascinated by India and I knew I
was better off here.”
Besides writing, this enterprising young woman also adores music, theatre, dance and books.
“I am part of the Vidya Niketan theatre club and really enjoy writing, acting and directing plays. Dance is another
thing I love — although I haven’t danced in a while. I have also just done a Grade 5 in piano and Grade 3 in recorder.
Music for me is another getaway from the world.”
Though she talks about getting away from the world, Nandhika is no introverted wall-flower. She is a people’s person
who loves talking to everyone and is in fact the assistant school pupil leader at Vidya Niketan. And studies do not take
12/16/12 The Hindu : Today's Paper / IN SCHOOL : Writing her way to perfection… 2/2
who loves talking to everyone and is in fact the assistant school pupil leader at Vidya Niketan. And studies do not take
the back seat either.
She loves science, especially Biology and hopes to become a cancer researcher some day.
“I love creative stuff and think it is intrinsic.” she says. “For everything that has happened so far, I have so many
people to thank, especially my father. It has been amazing and I’m grateful for everything that has happened. Though
I do have a lot of things and interests to pursue, writing is what has been and will be the one thing that helps me
discover who I am.”
More In: IN SCHOOL | Today's Paper
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kallu said...

Fantastic and we are very very proud to have such a bundle of talent in the family.
Congrajualtions Nandhika! BTW, Chendi spotted the article in the paper first and then we egged the reluctant though proud DAd to post this. People, please keep us posted on what is happening in your lives and those of your children. we do want to know

Priyadarshini said...

Wow! Congratulations Nandhika.. This is such great news... So proud of you... and Ravi Chitappa, please keep posting, we love to hear about whats happening with all of you

kalpana said...

nandhika congrats,'a creative person in the family to hit the news at last.
keep it up.
and thanks to your family who have let you be what u want.

Unknown said...

Well done Nandhika!! Author, actress, musician, scientist- where does it stop?!?! Good luck with the national finals,

haru snoopy ever said...

congrats nandhika..good luck...wish you all success in all fields you step into..(actor author musician ....)