Sunday, April 21, 2013


I needed condoms urgrntly for the trans vaginal scan. patient was waiting in the clinic .

so i rushed to the medical shop. asked for nirodh[ govt brand ] . he asked how many . i said 10 --no no give me twenty !!!. he was amazed. gave me some costly stuff. scented ,smooth, ribbed -- i said no i want the cheapest one. dont u have nirodh. he looked shocked . gave me a slighly cheaper plain one. 

i was tempted to say ' hurry - they are waiting ' 

but i have to cross his shop every day !!!!!


babu said...

very funny.
We had a senior paediatrician staying in our block, an attractive girl. It was not uncommon for her to have a call from the the hospital in the middle of the night and she had to leave. Our neighbours wanted to know what sort of job she did.

Ravi said...

very very funny

kalyani said...

Kap, these opportunities come rarely.Anyway, really fun. The blog is sizzling all of a sudden.

Priyadarshini said...

Ha ha ha Kapu chitti very funny :)))

kalpana said...

thanks all. it was a hot monday afternoon.

karthy said...

I read the first three words, stopped and went down to see if the author of the post, wondering if this wasnt a SPAM posting..
Yes the blog is sizzling..thanks Kap for taking it notch up....