Sunday, June 30, 2013

Raehans Talent show nite

Nikita latest photos

These  are taken from her graduation last friday and was nice to see Babu and her daughter which prompted me to share her pictures too.NIKI IS THE GIRL IN THE MIDDLE.

ooty badga

just to counteract babus photo,
kal doesnt the sight look familiar. 
sajit trying out  rameshs wedding suit.


Friday, June 28, 2013

hi thought I would post a pic as well

Anya and me at a formal dinner last year hosted by Air Cadets, which she is a part off  to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Year. She will be studying Aerospace Engineering and Music at University of Washington, Seattle from September this year.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

daughters ,granddaughters, grand sons in law, greaat grandson -- generations at chennai.

we had a nice meet at our house when appa was there. met advaith =darshus kid, haru and mapillai, darshu and prashanth were there.  kalu made a 6 layerd pudding which was sinfully calorific and delicious. advaith took time to settle abut got along with sanjay.

appa with grand sons -in -law.

the boys in the group

making faces 

the pudding

serving the pudding. oliver twist asks for more!!!!!

The trip some pictures - Hong Kong , China and Singapore, Will tell in person , about the pictures ! need some conversation material !!

hongkong skyscrapers at night - an explosion of colours for an hour

hongkong hotel

the hotel in singapore

hong kong gardens - lovely indeed

singapore marina bay sands


3 sweet icecream dolls

fantastic building in china

singapore lady !

whats on the menu -fried frogs ?

weary travellers !

Need I say more

The wall on a wall !

Rabindranath tagore !

forbidden palace - the subjects could not enter until the revolution


missed my calling

china market
