babu -- your gift t -shirt was worn for the marathon
his marathon bib and
post marathon status.
'A crazy gorgeous family' to quote Sindhu. A bunch of individualistic individuals with strong opinions (very few of which coincide) linked by strong ties to 90,Sivananda Colony - an address which means 'home'. This is our mode to keep in touch
Congratulations Marathon mum.
Congratulations Sajit on training your mom successfully. And on your half marathon too, of course.
Congrats Under 2hrs?
Congrats Sajit.. you look suitably exhausted after the run :))
Great Job kaps
Next week you will be joined by your newphew who will give Sajith some new ideas for keeping fit - and then you will be scoring the stores or online for protein shakes and the right shaker...the house will explode with gas...
luckily kar, the two of them together will spend a very short time in chennai. its gg who is going to suffer for 5 days.
I am running a half marathon in March, no pampering for me, make my own porridge in the morning etc, fruits etc and come home have a cold shower and on the couch just like Sajit.
I am running a half marathon in March, no pampering for me, make my own porridge in the morning etc, fruits etc and come home have a cold shower and on the couch just like Sajit.
very sad babu , no one there to crib about you and your antics. anyway all the best
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