Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunshine and beaches

HI Babu hope this answers your question about the weather.here.

Ruth, an Austrian, colleague of Prashanth's took us to the beach one day for a picnic. The waters were all shades of blue. But shallow near the beach so Advaith had a great time. So did we.

This was trekking on a nearby mountain.one Sunday afternoon. Advaith was sleepy so Prashanth had to carry him.

 Sand art at another beach.They use special  sand  and compress it. for some days before carving it.
The neighbourhood near the house where we go for walks and jogs (prashanth). Jacandara trees are very common here.


babu said...

it is freezing here, nice to see sunshine, is pc joining you for

kallu said...

On the 14th of December. Maybe next year you can visit here during December and get away from the winter there

babu said...

Are you going to the test match?

kallu said...

All sold out. So we have to watch on tv like everyone else

kalpana said...

sea is extremely beautiful ,and so is the walk near the house. please post close ups of advaith according to sanjay.....

vkumari said...

Kalu ,seems like a nice place.Enjoy yourself.