Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Twelfth is over!

Happy birthday Dhachu Akka and Saroj Anna :)

I fiiinally got my marks!
I've applied for both engineering and medicine. Really hoping to get CMC or PSG!
My cut off is 198.25
I chose medicine over engineering because I've always wanted to join doctors without borders.
NANDHIKA R    ( 256730 )
PHYSICS 150 050   200
CHEMISTRY 149 050   199
BIOLOGY 147 050   197
TOTAL 1172

I've been rather AWOL from the internet recently, but for that my dad is to be blamed! Internet privileges do not come easy when you're in twelfth, I have now realised.

On an unrelated note, this is one of the poems I wrote recently! Please let me know what you think. It was for Medhas birthday :)

You're a tyrant, you're annoying, 
In all the ways there are, you're absurd, 
And Ill keep pictures to show you one day, 
What a crazy little girl you were. 

You're mentally deranged, retarded too,
Limits are simply not your thing, 
And I'm sorry you think you can, 
But I'm afraid you really, really can't sing :P 

You're a useless lump of fat;
You take up too much space; 
And by the way, your obsession with Chota Bheem, 
Well, I'm praying its just a phase. 

You scream, you sulk, you cry, 
But you know just what to say, 
Well aware; that that gap toothed smile, 
Will always help you get your way.

Somewhere in those 20kgs of evil, 
I suppose there's something nice, 
And later when you're faced with choices, 
I hope you do what's right. 

From the day that you were born, 
I knew things would never be the same,
But for not realising it would be the best thing that's happened to me, 
I guess I'm the one to blame. 

So one day you'll grow up, 
And things will stop making sense, 
What was once black and white and heaven, 
Will turns to shades of grey and Hell.

I hope you know ill be there, 
Watching over you every step of the way, 
And if a guy ever has the nerve to break your heart,
I might just break his face :P

As for me, I'm annoying, I'm protective, 
I scream much more than I should, 
And all the harsh words I've said over time; 
Id take back if I could. 

Days will pass and things will change,
But There's just one thing that I know,
You'll always be my little sister, 
No matter where you are, or how old you grow.

And wherever I am.. Is a place you can call home.


goutham said...

great effort.ur hard work will pay u back.take care

kallu said...

HI Nandhika,
your English marks are rather disappointing :-)

given your talent and terrific way with words. The poem is lovely and hope Medha appreciates it in the course of time.

Best of luck to choose the right career. Doing work which keeps you happy is one of life's greatest gifts. Many of the docs in our family do seem to like their profession. Hope the cut suits you too. Congratulations on some wonderful marks

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nandhika!!!I can not imagine this.You Fly higher than the highest sky and Amachi wish you all the best for the brightest voyage in your life.
Lalitha Ammachi

Nandhika Nambi said...

Thankyou everybody! :)
I hope so!

Nandhika Nambi said...

Thankyou everybody! :)
I hope so!

Nandhika Nambi said...

Thankyou everybody! :)
I hope so!

kalpana said...

dear nandhika,
excellent marks. i am sure you will get what u want and to join doctors without borders is a fnattastic goal. provided u acn convince your dad. !!!!!!!!!!
excellent poem. keep it safe for medha to appreciate when she grows up.
all the best kalpana

Priyadarshini said...

Congrats Nandhika!!! Awesome marks. Hope you get in where you want to.
How did Medha like the poem?

Priyadarshini said...
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Unknown said...

Great work Nandhika. i am sure with the support of your dad you will achieve your dream of studying in PSG. I am certain one day you will create your own dream team and come up with a unique idea to work for/with the needy.

Prashanth said...

wow!!!! aWESTRUCK. Great going Nandhika