Friday, December 5, 2008

Ravi is that 10 pounds a red herring? or is true :-))))))))
Anyway, I've risen to your bait and am writing. Hope the kids too chip in.
Maybe we should make it compulsory that everyone writes at least once a week. Otherwise, we just keep drifting along. One reason is, I think, we all have cell phones and keep talking - so what's new?

GG And Dhruv have come to sivananda colony for a week's rest. In the spirit of the house, its getting stretched to a month. Kalai is there of course, coping with absentee cooks and maids and everything else.

Kapu realized on the 27th of Nov that Ramesh meant Nov when he said he is coming to India on the 27th and not Dec 27th. Hopefully, she wont be waiting ' vali mela vizhi vaithu' on 27th dec.

Kapu is planning to spend 20-25 dec at cbe. Somehow she manages to celebrate her bday at cbe each year tho her bday take is getting smaller , she says.

Dachu, after narrowly missing the bombay blasts by taking off a day earlier to chennai is still there, playing the housewife. Soon she'll be watching serials too. She feels being in a boring job is better than being in a boring house. Kids take note.

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