Monday, January 26, 2009

My My My

The blog is overpouring... why is everyone on family time when its not even Xmas? NEW Tamil New Year , Pongal, nostalgia, birthdays, trips, it seems to bring us together?

Wow marathon runners. Well, Kap and i have joined an aerobics class so we may be running soon or at least cheerleading. Only thing is I've already had to visit the ortho who said sternly, no jumping.
An all you kids, look after your teeth. Rootcanal treatment is somewhere close to death.

But to quote Dachu and someone else 'Youth is wasted on the young'. You dont even know what you are enjoying.Maybe like the Brad Pit movie, we have to live backward to appreciate it all.

I read White Tiger non stop yday at Cbe. He's a terrific story teller, but no great liter auteur.Appa is very upset by all the negative hype India is getting through this book and Slum Dog. Dog is very depressing too I hear.

Kar that looks a fantastic cake. Did you make it? What about the rest of the goodies? Is that Surya? He looks like like some all American, basketball star. Can we have a close up?

Babu congratulations on fixing on your colleague after a long selection process that seems to have vied the Oscars in non-biased selection. Can we say, East or West, India is best?? :-))

Anandhi, nice nostalgia trip. Think Ravi and Kap are digging up their trips.

We are off to delhi on Wed. With designer luggage and by flight and some terrific hotel :-)))))Maybe next time we can add designer clothes too.

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