Sunday, October 18, 2009

hi folks,
diwali has come and gone. but we older generation are still nostalgic about the older dys when money was scarce but fun and anticipation made up for it.
i remember as ravi says looking at the diwali dress days before we actually getting to wear it. opening and counting the crackers again and again hundreds of time before diwali . comparing it on the sly with karthis lot, has she been given anything extra. getting woken up at 4,ooam and having a head bath. rushing to be the first one on the street to burst crackers. and of coursecheerfully rushing to give sweet to neighbours when young and being forced to as we grow older.
this time it was harus reluctant turn i think .
so i do try a liitle to bring back the rituals for the kids ,which of course they dont appreciate and think it is a load of bullshit. but arleast for me sanjay is still young enough to be enthusistic. i made two sweets ,both a variation of the burfi type one grrn and one pink. sanjus choices. one wass too hard and the other too soft. i did think of mixing the two. and of course each diwali i compare the sweets i make to chinna baby chithis mysore pak which required a suuthi to break from the plate,.


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