Saturday, January 9, 2010

Guide -2

HI Everyone.

Please send me your photos for the booklet. Any memories of sivananda colony; (those taken there) and your individual snaps too (latest). Karthy's calendar has come and is very good but some of the pics are bad because of the quality. so please send me some good pics soon.


Think of the holidays. Picnics, outings we had from this base. So many cars, packing off food, the confusions,the breakdowns, tire changes, people turning up unexpectedly....


KALAI said...

since i don't know how to write in the main blog, am writing this in the comment column. attended kundavi's funeral.heart wrenching to see her in the glass coffin. she i think was the best of persons among us all in her own way , in her generosity,her thoughtfulness.wen kar was down with chicken pox wen preganant n happened to be at madurai, kundavi nursed her back to health.during my first trips to madurai she would make it a point to visit me,give me saris.even now for gg's son she sent over a silver tumbler.
she was brave n calm during her last days.her family especially her sons were her world n i hear she used to feed them'ootify'till her last days.saddens me to think tht she is no more.let us all be happy n satisfied with wat we have,relax n enjoy the rest of the time we have to live.

KALAI said...

90 siv. a temple ,a sanctuary for i see more n more of the world n the people in it,i marvel at dad n mum's genorosity of spirit.for them we 4 were not anything more special than any body else,like say ravi, goutham,sak.all were the same. i never felt differently or specially singled out for any treatment compared to all my cousins just becos i was their daughter.we were never pampered the way children r nowadays.buti think we had more wonderful times than them interacting with people without the interference of the omnipresent t.v. n cell i see it it was n is becos of their innane goodness that we r all still sticking together. anybody cld bring anyone home ,for how many days ever n they wld all be welcome.the guest list is endless. valerie's mum came all the way from calcutta to have a leg was a real open house, open in every sense ..the hospitality was great. for me personally as i said it is a i approached the house i would see appa n amma sitting in the sofa together,n all my burdens wld be lightened or actually vanish for the moment. it was n still is a safety net for anyone who needs solace n comfort.
happy, pleasant memories r endless.i learnt a lot from mum's ladies club classes held at home,the evening get togethers of the kids n women in the verandah, n ammachi shooing of the wives wen the husband's returned n they wld leave the group reluctantly in the evening, the political n world affairs discussions dad had on sundays with the uncles widened my worldly knowledge horizons a lot.kanakavalli aunty used to feel that she was isolated in another street from the daily happenings our street, the picnics on diwali days, the pot luck dinners,the x.mas plays ,the nights we spent hanging up streamers as a surprise for the next day person.the eager expectations of waiting to see cousins n aunts n uncles visits. reciving them at the stations ,seing them of is all endless .ravi cosying up to ammachi to coax her to part with some money,athais making 'kai' murukkus,drawing huge kolams,vishy's restaurant days, the grandparents joy wen the grandchildren were born, playing with them on the mats in the verandah, sajit,s cricket practice , wen he used to wash his only white pant everynight in the making it slippery for use later, n put it to dry on a chair on top of the bed under the fan.
as we grow elder we want that atmosphere to return for our kids.sadly it cannot. but we must plan to have a central place for us n our kids,n grandchildren to turn to without any hesitation in their times of need n provide them with a sense of security, stability, a place to turn to without questions asked or judgements being passed. just an all encompassing welcoming place.