Saturday, January 5, 2013

sajit and chicken pox

sajit had mild fever on 31st and 1st and in true rao sahib style he treated himself with cetrizine[god knows why] and slept well.
on first a single boil on the scalp. in true radiologist style i did an ultrasound, said its nothing to worry, only a skin lesion  and sent him off to college and hostel.
high fever in college again with moreboils. he decided its heat rash though chennai has been having pleasant weather.
3rd. rashes appear on body. i panic. adviced him to get an opinion in trichy. diagnosed as early chicken pox. uma anna arranged a car to take him to hostel and dropped him off at the bus stand to chennai.

now in chennai i have tried to confine hin to his room so that sanju doesnt get infected.
so we passed the time today by watching an english movie [bucket list' ]together. i felt satisfied by my share of nursing .
now he has read about chicken pox on the internet and advices me on the dos and donts.
i am supposed to give him plenty of water, juices, and fresh fruits and vegetables. no bread, [ there goes my idea of easy food] no spices and no oil.
ramesh calls up every hour to ask if i have arranged for the neem leaves. i dont think the net says what to do with them. my servant says make him swallow a bit when he has his bath after the scabs fall off. others say keep it on the bed around him and hang a bit on the f ront door . getting a lot of advice.
and sanju gets jealous, why u alone can enter his room. and dad sends choclates from kuwait to tide over the sickness.[though internet says no sugar and less salt,]
sanjay hands him things through the doorway wearing gloves !!!!

so life goes on and i end up feeling jealous of him with the enforced rest.


Ravi said...

I guess just supportive care should suffice, Ask him not to scratch the areas as it can cause scarring
If started early within 72 hours , I always advise on Tab aciclovir in adults , not at this late stage though ,It should settle down, The internet makes everyone an expert !

Ravi said...


kallu said...

Nice well written post Kap. The antics of your family are among the best things on this blog. Other people are not so forthcoming

babu said...

Hi Kappu
From a GP perspective, he has had a viral illness he probably is not infective, It is a good age for Sanju to have picked it up if he has done, as it is least symptomatic at his age. Here they are obsessed with Calamine lotion on the skin lesion. One young Bangladeshi boy who had just arrived here was not impressed with me, as I had given the antihistamine liquid and calamine lotion , the dad being illiterate had got the instructions mixed up. All that Sajit needs is Paracetamol and antihistamine.
He can get out of his isolation, stop eating chocs and head back to college once the lesion dries out.
All the bit about Neem etc is not needed as it is mostly a self limiting illness. But I must say I am really impressed by you scanning the lesion. True RADIOLOGIST style.

Priyadarshini said...

Hope he is better now Kapu chitti. Ad u too :))