The living room which is supposed to be pristine and kept for visitors only.Obviously not.

Sajit's ganesha collection. Many people have contributed to it. You may feel more upset when you see the book collection to which you may have contributed more than you know.

In between Kapu moved house. As only she can, with a minimum of stress and planning. she took only half a day off and fixed the lorry only the day before. As she was presenting a paper somewhere, she was precoocupied . Half the things were packed and the rest left to the movers which they did very efficiently and with a speed which left us amazed. We felt a bit sad that we had even packed the other half.
Evening before we had gone to see the house and Sajid locked up. Next day he went off to school and only he knew where the house key was.
Well, things do turn out right eventually and before things were finally loaded into the lorry; he came back. Meanwhile Kapu had gone off to do things like changing a kurta of appa's and so on.
The lorry left and Kap with it, by scooter. Sajid and I were left behind with the other half of things. She called to check whether the new house keys were here. They were! She came back to get them. Meanwhile we had lunch at a neighbour's- the first time they have ever invited Kap and family. First and last.
The new house is lovely. Old, large, with white pristine floors, spotlight with dim, dimmer lights in the false ceilings and moulded borders. A huge white bathroom that must have been two baths before . Space at the back for parties.
The presence of God is always here. Sambrani fragrance wafts in and bhajans call from the temple every evening. The mosque calls the faithful to prayer from a few houses away. Further away, thankfully, is the strident voice of the Pentecostal church trying to convert us. 'More supermarket' is two houses away; something I really enjoyed -popping in there to buy two items thrice a day.
The only sad part was loosing Sandy the day we moved. Someone left the gate open and with crackers around, she must have got scared and gone out and not known the way back.
I had a great 'surpise' birthday party after many many years. Thanks to dachu, Prashanth and Kapu. Chittis called up and cousins turned up. One must celebrate bdays too in strange places.
Wish I'd taken more pics but Kap can supply the rest.