Saturday, July 26, 2008

Family in the News

M.Sivalingam, a dermatologist living in Sivananda Colony, points out that apartments are easy to live in because of reasons of security and maintenance.
But, these are having a huge impact on the drinking water situation in the city. Where is water for all of them , he asks.
from an article titled
Water situation may become serious -Poor monsoon will impact ground water level also, says Coimbatore Mayor.
in the HIndu dated 26.8.08

How this came about was- The Mayor dropped in to talk to Appa- he does this fairly regularly. And while they were chatting about general amenities and the opposite flats which have not been occupied because of lack of water ; the Hindu reporter called the Mayor to ask him about the serious water shortage in Cbe this year ( water is being supplied once in 4 days for two hours - situation which can drive Appa and athai around the bend as you can imagine) . Midway the Mayor handed over the phone to Aoppa who of course, took the chance to give him an earful.

Next day, he was in the paper:-))

Last week, PC's photograph appeared in two newspapers including the Hindu. To illustrate docs on strike wearing a token black badge. Locals had broken up a local nursing home when a patient died . so docs were on strike in Ooty for two days. When the reporter came to the hospital to take a photo, naturally only PC was there so he was duly photographed. Not being Appa, he didnt give him a soundbyte as well.

At this rate, we shall have to start a family album of newspaper cuttings :-)

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