Tuesday, July 29, 2008

yippeee... my first ever blog!

hi everyone....
back out of hibernation....
primarily writing this coz i have exams and trying to do everything except study...

since u've already heard about all the weird stuff that goes on in this place from darshini, i'm not going to bore u with all that.
but i love this place.... i really do...
getting up half an hour before class....
sleeping through the afternoon....
found a friend who likes drinking coffee at 2 in the morning...
formed a nice gossip group...
found a girl who keeps buying books i can borrow...
have a nice team mate who does most of the work in our assignments...
and too busy to be bored....

having fun,
loving life,

ps- for people who have been complaining that i never call since i came to XIM(unlike darshini, who found the time in spite of her busy schedule?) i would like to point out that i never called up people much even when i was in madras... so at least i'm being consistent.

pps- i would like to make a very important clarification- i definitely did not describe the food here as good/tasty/nice/dont know what dachu was complaining about, or any other positive adjective. i merely said that it was not as bad as i expected... its kinda like it was at NIFT, and we merely eat to exist. so please do not stop feeling sorry for me.

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