Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yipee- this is my life

This piece is inspired by Sindhu.

I can't say I love this place - a bit difficult when its pouring rain like now .. But I do love my house and especially when its empty like now :-)))))))))

getting up to bird song and not an alarm .. when I feel like it..
being free from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m to go out, browse, watch tv, eat or do nothing.....
being able to buy whatever books I want finally instead of textbooks....
not having to listen to some awful music all day long....
been on a diet for the past week and have lost 200gm
have a nice gossip group on telephone
have an appreciative group for my blog
have a team mate who earns the money for all expenses
have a tuition group who are my evening entertainment
only have to do basic cooking since there are no demanding kids
I can use the computer/tv whenever I want to
Im healthy and happy

doesnt this sound like a great life?

Come on lets hear it from everyone....

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