Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weekly round up

First the character analysis - Im just adding to what has gone before
Aswatha - diligent and sense of humor
Anya- adaptable and sweet natured
Babu- takes life a little lightly( laidback is his word) with a sense of humor; terribly interested in everything

and of course all three are terribly intelligent - with these genes could they be not?;-)

Listen everyone, if you dont add contribute then you are going to be left out soon, when your turn comes and this blog might die out ....if people just keep reading and not writing

Dachu, Im still thinking of my perfect bday- my favorite people around and ....?certainly not white water rafting - a boat ride with someone else doing the rowing may be more like it

Kap nice thoughts on older people who cant retire.... good it seems your family is letting go of its stranglehold on you when you can think of other people

Ravi, fine to be a chip of the old block- if I had a quarter of amachi's organising capabilities, I would be fine.

Goutham the globe trotter- Kalai is certainly going to have hysterics when sees the pics..right now she is too busy but may get back to her life around the middle of the month

Ram and Leena and Jai, Lekha, Loganathan have come and gone to cbe.. (Im tired of travelling down to cbe to meet people) Interesting to met people after 20 years. Contrary to rumors, kids are very disciplined and undemanding. Ram looks great- active and confident and full of himself, life and his kids

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