Monday, April 13, 2009

26 years of being married

As they say here, 'even a life sentence in jail is shorter'. Just took Shobha Anya and Valli out for a meal. Had my b'day celebration a few weeks before.

The next one is Anya's birthday which is next sunday when she will be 14, she is going 'go kart' racing with some friends. I think we have done all activities for b'days that I can think of, next year we would have gone full circle and I will get a bouncy castle in the garden for her b'day.

She had gone on a glider with Air Cadets on Saturday, it has been one of the rare Easter Break where the weather has been brilliant.
Once they took off the instructor handed over controls to Anya for about 30 minutes until just before landing.
I am glad I was'nt there to watch it.
Very busy at work, waiting for my new Madras Colleague to join me, she is currently holidaying in Florida.

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