Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Luck to Kallu

For those who dont know Kallu is undergoing an abdomen op tomorrow
Good luck to her from all in the blog and viewers as well
Take care Kallu , All our wishes and prayers with you

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Sindhu!!!!!

After many redials to your mob number couldnt get u thru.. so trying to wish you thru our blog..

Have a great year ahead...

Love from anandhi chithi....

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I agree that doctors have to be caring etc,
I do think one of the problems in medical care in India is the extraordinary imbalance that some doctors have with more pts and some who are equally good at their job have very little practice

We certainly flock like droves to people who are busy and then find they cant give us time
I would choose someone who is good and can give the time,but not necessarily who is extremely busy
The corporate hospitals are redressing this imbalance as you have to see who is there and to an extent have limited choices

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why is this blog so boring? I've been seeing only my own posts this week. Okay Im going offline for a bit. And so that there is something fresh everyday ; Ive added a Quote for the day.

To all docs and would be docs ...something i read and heartily agree with

A patient wants to be looked after, not to be looked over by the doc.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


People have been mentioning that I don't look like someone who has been in and out of hospitals recently. Well, that is attributable to the don't-be-down-too-long spirit of the Rao Sahib genes I guess.
And our ability to put up a performance when necessary :-)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Independence Day!!

Here are some pics of Independence Day at local school

Its truly an honour. Anyone coming to Ooty on next Aug 15th can share this.

But you have to do this remember.Give a rousing speech. you can see my rapt audience in the background, yawning away:-)

And most important of course is this ; the contribution. I hope people who've promised large sums dont forget that.

These are the kids for whom we've given sweaters & uniforms - 21 in standard 1 and 7 from other classes
I forgot to collect from kapu when she was here with her gang! all of them wearing similar t-shirts and acting 19! Well we'll get to see the pics soon. :-)

Friday, August 14, 2009


I'd been smoking for a long time, now and had given up quitting at some point of time too. Friends and relatives would assure me that "someday you’ll stop" or advice me with "its not good for health" but I didn't care much of what they meant as I knew I'll stop but when??? I didnt have a clue...
Well finally, the time has come...I take pride in saying I stopped smoking for the past 2 weeks and am feeling a sense of achievement already...
It isnt easy, I'd say, most definitely because the temptation was greater than what I thought. It still lingers especially on my taste buds but I'm trying hard to keep it away from between my lips and my thoughts ;)
I hope with all your kind encouragements, I would be able to pass this phase successfully... as there's no turning back.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i do agree with ravi. it pays to be pleasant.

a proff of mine whos was one of the gang instrumental in failing me in my MD.has gone all out to help me in the secretariat with regards to my file. and all because i acted normally with him and gave him due respect as my senior. he has changed his former opinion of me and is very helpful now.
so do be nice to everyone. tables can turn anytime.

Life's lessons

I have been thinking a lot ever since kallu asked me what would be my life's lessons ,
I dont think one thing alone could be taken as the only lesson,
All of us have regrets and that is life, There are things in life I could have and would have done differently and that goes for all of us
The one thing I have found useful is to be nice to everyone (within limits and as possible )
For example I used to give chocs to the medical staffing team clerks, the switchboard people whom noone ever gives and i found that they used to find me whereever i was if there was extra work !
I buy lunches for the nurses at weekend clinics and at one hosp due to the good reports from the nurses the hosp insisted that i should be sent rather than the other drs !
The small things in life do matter
In india i find the waiters and cleaners work for a pittance and i feel giving them extra will not make us poor but make them richer for a day which makes a huge difference to them,
I would hope one learns from others on how to live and also look at others and how not live
Focussing on the big picture is more important and not letting little things affect you ( and if a big thing affects you,make it a little thing !)
Luck is certainly important but to a large extent you need to make your own luck ( apart from winning the lottery )
I am at a stage when i looked a book title - how not to live your life - I didnt buy it because i was sure it will say dont be away from your family !!
for those who think this guy comes back every few weeks , i regret not being there for the daily mundane routine things and once the kids grow up
then there will be none of these and we will have to look at each other ( sri and I ) and keep wondering what to do !
Anyway its the thought of making sure the future is secure and comfortable for the children keeps me going

Lets see how long I can do this shuttle and holiday Dad things

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy birthday!!

Headstrong, stubborn, irritating and determined to get your way
Extremely talkative and talented :))
A zest for life that we find infectious, a spirit that we find hard to resist
But most of all we admire your courage, your ability to catch all the problems that life has thrown your way.. and throw it right back
Happy birthday Sandhya
Hope you have a wonderful day today

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Results Are Out! - Lessons of Life

Its a year since we started this blog (july 2008) and we have 350 entries ..Great going.
I guess this is one of the factors that keep us happy and grounded and maybe, secure. So lets stay this way.connected.

Happy people about happiness!

`Always look on the bright side of life ... Babu

Anything may happen anytime.. people will change … so enjoy life.. dont take things seriously why kavalai??? - Sajit
Happiness lies in what you have got. And not in what you feel have lost. -Kalai

Be happy with what you have while striving for better things -Kapu

Highly philosophical
In life nothing is permanent. so making far fetched plans ahead can be redundant sometimes. Life itself is only a phase that we pass through so as long as we at are it, I believe we live righteously.
In short love and be loved.
( this was contributed by goutham but since it doesn’t sound quite like him.. probably he had some help)

Qualities that help along the way!
To achieve our greatest part of endurance is "COURAGE" –Aristotle –contributed by Kumari


Gain or learn by experience -Goutham

Getting along with the people we share this planet with
Be nice – Ravi

Treat others the way you want others to treat you –PC

A simple smile works wonders though its your enemy.
Accept the people the way they are and not for the way you want them to be.
Expectations hurts. (ouch! That hurts)
You are never right always to comment and judge other people _ Haru

The other things that are so Important
Attitude and individuality matters a lot. - Haru

Money is the deciding factor. Better to realize it late than never –Anandhi

Lost opportunities in money making deals are my only regrets – so don’t be afraid to take risks - Ramesh

80% of the work is done by 20% of members in a team- sindhu

Real stuff that works –
Getting up earlier than your family so you have time for yourself is a great start
An early morning walk in fresh air even if its only 5 min to get the milk is a great start to the day -kapu
When you are really desperate; turn to your family even its only to fill up lifebuoy questionnaires -sind
No matter how bad the situation, Happiness is just a bar of chocolate away

calling all kind souls

hello everyone,

can u all pls pls pls fill this survey for me by tonight.......

we have a submission tomorrow and are really really desperate.

pic of anya and me, in an official promo of manchester united

Monday, August 3, 2009

Lessons from living

This morning I realized two lessons about life:

1) I have done a lot of living and and now its time to listen to my body and take more care - recovery is much slower

2) I may be bursting with plans for the day but I can put them aside and do other things which are as gladdening - I just have to spend a little time and thought

Both are interconnected of course. Yesterday, I had done more cooking than usual because Ramesh was expected; started a new painting on one bit of wall and made some changes in the garden which involved shifting some pots.
I went to bed with the happiness that I would be doing all this and more today- the monthly shopping; some more sorting out of books and so on.

But this morning I found I could hardly use one arm and leg. Obviously, I had been doing things I shouldn't yday. And now I can't be doing things I should. So take-it-easy day .

unfinished business that can wait

Im adding a pic to give the idea of unfinished work that hangs over our heads when we can't do it but we can happily gloss over when we can do it.

As I was making idlies with the left hand - its really very clumsy; one should use it more often- I was thinking of the lesson its teaching me . And suddenly the idea came to me that I should ask other people too what lessons they've learnt.
so I started sending out sms' and got some replies which cheered me up immensely.
In the process the idlies got a bit overcooked but never mind.

The replies in the next post... But please whoever is reading this send in yours too.