Monday, August 31, 2009

Good Luck to Kallu

For those who dont know Kallu is undergoing an abdomen op tomorrow
Good luck to her from all in the blog and viewers as well
Take care Kallu , All our wishes and prayers with you


KALAI said...

hear the op went off well.,tho she was a bit scared last eve. kap n datchu meanwhile i guess wil be having a rare nice relaxing cosy time exchanging gossip n news.hoping kallu gets back to her feet fast n keeps the blog going.wishing her a speedy recovery.she was a real help,n comforting presence during my op. n during gg's delivery time.thank god for sisters

goutham said...

kalai, thank god for ur brothers toooo

KALAI said...

goutham u said it right n brothers in law cousins neices, nephews, ,aunts n uncles too. ravi n goutham hav always been there to help at all times especially during times of crisis.not to forget vishy n selvi who were instrumental in gg becoming a doctor. n mullumama too for countless things.n sak too.the list is endless. a BIG THANKS TO ALL IN THE FAMILY.