Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Results Are Out! - Lessons of Life

Its a year since we started this blog (july 2008) and we have 350 entries ..Great going.
I guess this is one of the factors that keep us happy and grounded and maybe, secure. So lets stay this way.connected.

Happy people about happiness!

`Always look on the bright side of life ... Babu

Anything may happen anytime.. people will change … so enjoy life.. dont take things seriously why kavalai??? - Sajit
Happiness lies in what you have got. And not in what you feel have lost. -Kalai

Be happy with what you have while striving for better things -Kapu

Highly philosophical
In life nothing is permanent. so making far fetched plans ahead can be redundant sometimes. Life itself is only a phase that we pass through so as long as we at are it, I believe we live righteously.
In short love and be loved.
( this was contributed by goutham but since it doesn’t sound quite like him.. probably he had some help)

Qualities that help along the way!
To achieve our greatest part of endurance is "COURAGE" –Aristotle –contributed by Kumari


Gain or learn by experience -Goutham

Getting along with the people we share this planet with
Be nice – Ravi

Treat others the way you want others to treat you –PC

A simple smile works wonders though its your enemy.
Accept the people the way they are and not for the way you want them to be.
Expectations hurts. (ouch! That hurts)
You are never right always to comment and judge other people _ Haru

The other things that are so Important
Attitude and individuality matters a lot. - Haru

Money is the deciding factor. Better to realize it late than never –Anandhi

Lost opportunities in money making deals are my only regrets – so don’t be afraid to take risks - Ramesh

80% of the work is done by 20% of members in a team- sindhu

Real stuff that works –
Getting up earlier than your family so you have time for yourself is a great start
An early morning walk in fresh air even if its only 5 min to get the milk is a great start to the day -kapu
When you are really desperate; turn to your family even its only to fill up lifebuoy questionnaires -sind
No matter how bad the situation, Happiness is just a bar of chocolate away

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