Tuesday, April 20, 2010

its teenage cricket time,

this blog has its uses.
last week sajit wanted to join a cricket coaching camp.
armed with just a few details [ pearls of wisdom from his mouth] i accompanied him to meet the coach and enroll him.
the coach was late ,so i tried to get some details from the attender. why questions like what time does the coaching start, are there also bigger boys enrolled and how to enroll should embaress a teenager is beyond my scope of understanding.
while waiting for the coach he was struck by the dilemna of appearing coooool!!!!!!!
how can u do it with a mother with uncombed hair at 6 am in the morning. so i helped him out by walking on the road behind so he could pretend he had no connection to me.
on comes a man, i at once try to judge is he the coach , acutely embaress sajit, who says why dont u continue walking.
the only time he smiled was when i said wait till i put this on the blog.
anything related to family that can make a teenager smile has to be fantastic . dont u agree!!!!

a happy thought struck me. our words are stored in space for ever on this blog. maybe down the years our grandchildren who we may or may not meet, and who probably wont remember us will be able to read our words and thus bridge the divide.

yes, age is catching up, i read the obituary columns regularly and occasionally indulge in sentimental thoughts.



chendhi said...

Dear Kapu,
Its too early to think of the end.
The end comes only in the end.
So no use thinking about it or
being paranoid about it. I firmly
believe that life is beautiful only
because it is finite. I don't envy
the job of god at all.

kalyani said...

Kap, that's a good thought about the blog.. that its here for posterity or electronic posterity and our grandkids will know us through this (in case we are senile or gone)
sympathies for all teenage son Moms.. remember this too will pass and remember peria ammachi screaming out loud to us on public buses and us cringing

Sajit Ganapathi said...

well obviously ........common mom uvery well know u do all tat in purpose....i keep askin u y y y y y??????