Wednesday, January 9, 2013


hi all,
thanks for all the advice which actually suits me.
he was on acyclovir, i stopped cetrizine as itching stopped. lesions have started to scab.
if sanjay doesnt get it, babu , i will pat myself on the back for expert nursing.
anyway the lion has been released from the cage since yesterdaay. but he is missing the fact that now i dont wait on him hand and foot.
sajit wants to go to his friends village for authentic pongl celebrations. he is still deciding what to do.
we are organising one in our apartment . we are hiring authentic karagattam dancers from tanjavur and guess what, their price is 20,000 rs, when we had actually budgeted for but the men want us to dance as authentic dancers will be awful looking. which is actually not a very good compliment for us.  but i think their dress and tight costumes will more than make up for their looks.

1 comment:

kallu said...

Kap, this seems to be your mode of communication. You and your son seem to engrossed in fever battling to pick up the phone. But thanks for keeping us all posted here.