Sunday, August 3, 2008


hi everybody,

my patience wore thin and i developed a mild headache by the time sanjus turn came.I went there at 10 and  his turn was at 12.   he recited the song well but was too inhibited to do the few actions that i had carefully rehearsed with him. luckily the school was smart enough to give all participants a book so the fact that he did not get the prize was glossed over.

please see the attached photos taken at home.  

kar glad to see tht u are atleast able to take a few days off for camping.  thats good. here sajit goes to his cricket practise by cycle so my chauffering is limited to mainly sanju.  even then this sunday was hectic dropping off and picking the two alternately for cricket and painting class, buying vegetables, at one place and groceries at the other.  so much so u dont want to go out anywhere.

sindhu , all of us are happy to see some life in u atlast. sajit of course misses u while eating or trying out some crazy food on sundays.

lot of nri visits on this month,  babu and ram and family--darshu i am not commenting on anybody !!!!


kalyani said...

Kap, Noddy looks suitably angelic. More effort seems to have been spent on the car than the dress. Cap has come off very well and the car, of course great.
Your Sunday makes me reminiscent and so glad Im retired.

sindhu said...

he looks so cute....
and the car looks great too..
how did u manage the cap?