Monday, May 4, 2009

Create a Habit.

The weekend gone by was the family gettogether -tamasha. Mallika and Umaanna came up to attend a wedding of their friend's son. Darshini, Prashanth and Sindhu came up the next day, missing the wedding completely. So they went down the next day to Coimbatore to attend the reception. And came up again the next day to spend half the weekend here and left the next day again to catch their various vehicles back to work.
What it is to be young!!
Sorry, I dont have any photographs. I was too busy cooking to do anything else.

But in one discussion, it was decided that every one would try to create a new habit over the next 21 days. It has to be an unbroken stretch for the habit to really unravel itself up. And the owner can then self-importantly declare 'I always do .....'

So we decided,what each of us were going to work on.
Darshini -getting up at 4.30 a.m. to study for her CFA exam which she is writing in June. Since she works till 11 p.m. every night, this sounds a tough one.
Sindhu - to read the newspaper everyday - good for her MBA interviews and to discuss stuff with Thatha and to keep her occupied in Tirunelveli where she is now doing market research on Chinni's masala
Prashanth - to work out the gym
Kallu - to go for aerobics class /do it at home on off days
PC- to go for a walk everyday (hopefully crosses his 10-min record)

Well, today it rained terribly but still I went for my class. So you can see the forces that will keep you from achieving your goal.

Im suggesting that each person here picks one habit that they would like to make part of their lives and lets all do it and report at the end of the month.

Get Happy doing Hard Work Together.!!!!

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