Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sweet 16 !!

Hey everyone !! I know it was my b'day a week back but i only got round to blogging today-sorry... =)

anyway , it was totally AWESOME !! My friends came over as a surprise after school and we all jumped into the pool WITH our UNIFORMS on !!! It was really cool and when we turned up dripping at the front door...Sarassama nearly threw us out !

The next day we went to Little Italy ... the waiters nearly chucked us out at 9.30 , since we'd been there since 6.15 =) All in all , it was great celebration!!! A big thankyou to dad,mum,nan and julsi for everything !!!! Thanks for the invitation to US ..lalli aunty , don't think i'll be able to make it this year,,but who knows !!!


Priyadarshini said...

Hey Ashwatha
It seems like a birthday worth remembering :D
Wishing u a wonderful year ahead

babu said...

Anya: happy birthday!! wish i was there for it, sounds like you had a great time !!