Friday, October 2, 2009

Survived Swine Flu

Anya came down with it on Friday, with quite a high fever , bodyache and vomiting.The govt here has made it easy to get hold of Tamiflu, so started it for her on Sunday after a day of watchful waiting. Anya made a slow recovery.
Valli who is Shobha's carer followed it a high fever and bodyache, she has never had anything like it before. She was reluctant to take any medicine finally convinced her to take tamiflu. She is still not out of the woods yet.
I have not been affected by it and Shobha has not had it (touchwood). I don't know how I did it but managed to look after the invalids and somehow juggled work in between. Had a postpone a few meeting etc.
It is pretty annoying when you have patients with really trivial symptoms when you have a lot of things on your mind. (which is very common in the uk as patients don't have to pay to see their doctor)
Can't wait for the end of the week. Am taking Anya to watch Man Utd play Sunderland on Saturday.
Had to turn down a offer of a VIP ticket last Wednesday when they were playing a German team. Things that you have to sacrifice for your family eh


kalyani said...

Babu, that sounds like a really stressful time all of you lived through. Tough survivor alright.
Hope the family is suitably impressed with your sacrifices:-)

KALAI said...

there's a lot to learn frm u babu.that u found the time to write on the blog is itself surprising. here at gandhigram hosp too since consultations r free a lot of time is taken up by the visitors of the patients dropping in to just have a check up in the o.p.for trivial matters.when is ur next trip here.

karthy said...

Babu, did you face a lot of negative reaction as someone in you house hold had swine flu..
Here there is paranoia..if you even sneeze for an allergic reaction people move away...some people who came to vishy's resturant refused to shake his hands,just in case ( but they eat there !!)Now of course we have the controversy of taking the flu shoot (seasonal vs swine) or not is the big debate...