Sunday, February 28, 2010
for my plus 2 cousins!!!!!!!!!
all the best
good luck
do well....i know i am too late to wish might be seeing this only after your exams i guess...but yet its better late than never...very soon you guys will be joining our colg life....come soon....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Shobha is much better
Friday, February 26, 2010
Hi all,
Let me continue with my writings on 90 sivanandha colony.
This time it is about the wonderful neighbours of 90SC.
The greatest, well, I don't have to tell. Its Ramesh. Hope
Shree doesn't mind. Ravi, Brindha, Sivannaa, then Dhruva
and his brother and sister. Further down Indra aunty and
uncle, Shardha, Maya and their brother, Shetty uncle and
aunty, Sudakar...
In GG's wedding Shardha asked me " Chendhi, How do
you manage to look so young?"
I laughed and said "Your father and mother are my inspiration."
When Mama won the MLC election we were told by the police
inspector not to burst crackers outside the collector's office.
I lit a cracker and quickly walked away thinking that I
outwitted the inspector. I was soon hauled in front of him.
It was Shetty uncle's son Sudakar who bailed me out.
I have a healthy respect for the police from then on.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Good Luck
Sajit, Aswatha, Deepak and Samyuktha
And parents, get them to relax (kapu we are not talking about you! Sajit is one cool Kat already)
Whatever they do, they are going to turn out fine.
I started the printing of the Book a few days ago after reading this Post on Zen habits about finishing your projects. Just adding features, perfection keeps it stalling.
Many times we have bright ideas, but wait for the right circumstances, the perfect time, the ideal partner, someone or something to give us a boost and it never happens and the idea dies.
With the book, I was adding pictures, adding new stuff, perfecting it ..but now I've closed and doing the printing before its too late and the momentum is lost .
Read the article here.
whatever you have been thinking of doing, just start.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
90 Sivananda Colny
Monday, February 15, 2010
he definitely deserves the best of gifts that you have, God.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
More memories from Chendi
We are connecting. Are You?
Pappa chitti told me that Sakthi wanted to meet me. That was the day
after she left. How sad!
It is happening because we are not having others details.
Here is mine.
Name : V. Sendhil Kumar
Alais : Chendhi
Cell : 9382726778
Wife : S. Venkateswari alais Eswari
Dots : S. Vaishnavi and S. Vishnuvardhini Vaishu and Vishnu
Let me narrate an incident that took place at 90 SC to gain an insight about
Kalai comes back from the college fuming. The Medicos were on strike. Kalai was with them. Periyappa who was a professor at the same college walks up to her and asks her to go home. Periamma said "You should have stayed put and later explained."
Periyamma comes as a strong person with clear views.
Have I been benifitted by the enormous number of books at 90SC?
I am sitting at NIIT doing my project work. My neighbour's screen is unreadable. I just ask him to change the screen colour to yellow and font colour to black. The next best option would be blue and white.
Search the books on psychology for further colour combinations.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010

welll kalu perima keeps asking 4 this and that pa very demanding...
here are some of the photos which brings back good old memories.... not writing any captions 4 each of them .....any comments or questions feel free 2 askk.... there are always people in this family 2 answer;)........u may ask the question y i figure in almost all he photos.....well hey i am the one uploading it>)
New Dining Table
But look at the pics and see if it was worthy of a quick decision. Surya, karthy and uthra helped to make the decision. This is from Fab India.

Th place mats were made by kapu long ago, and only now have found a suitable place so they are out now.
Yes, the chairs are the old ones. My budget didnt stretch far enough for the chairs :-) And I didnt like like them anyway.
I find there are many drafts of posts that people have written and forgotten about. Please finish and post them on the blog or delete
kar and vishy
this is to get the record straight on chendi's write up about kar. there were only 2 other grooms who actually came to see kar. one was too short. the other few prospective grooms were vetoed out due to horoscope mismatch etc. kar n vishy were people who had seen a lot of life n the world .they were not protected, cloistered individuals like some of us were. they were far ahead in their thinking n outlook when they got to meet each other . n the - best repeat-- the best thing about them is they truly looked beyond the narrow rules laid down in an indian marriage, stuff which really does not consider whether the people getting married r suitable for each other on a personal level. vishy said ok becos he looked beyond the physical aspects n saw the individual n person beyond it . a genuine caring, affectionate , practical person , suited for him. kar too must hav felt the same. they may hav had their ups n down in their married life . but that is common in all marraiges .when we r all writing up so much about sivananda colony n appa n ammma , the next best couple nearest to them r vishy n kar in my opinion. if any of us had a problem tomorrow -- we do have lots of our family support system to come forward to help no doubt, --but each have their own limitations to help so much n no more. but that wil not be the case with vishy. he will give all he has to help anyone. their home is an open one to all in need for however long one needs. we r lucky to have likes of him, n lalli aunty anandi, n vidya n goutham in the family.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
some interesting pics - the age of innocence
work in progress.. you can see a typical teenager's room here
Proud designers with finished product.
This was also the time Haru was expecting her first year -result. So this is how she spent the remaining time, on the phone asking about results and then later, getting congratulations enough to rival a Padmashri awardee.
Chendi on karthy
Added to this was that her younger sibling got married before her. She got so fed up with the routine of
decking up and saying namaste to strangers that she was prepared to lead a life without marriage.
But her family would have none of it.
So when a family from Bangalore wanted to see her she took it cool. She dressed casually in a chudidhar
and had a cosy chat and was prepared to hear the routine "Sorry" or the 'We will go and inform later'
when she got the shock of her life as the family said that they liked her and were willing to marry their
son to her. ENTER VICCHU.
Karthi's face acquired a glow that has not left her at all. I saw her recently as a week back. Easily
the best couple of 90 S C. Now the house became a restaurent and became out of bounds for the
kids, the front portion. I bought two whistles for Sajjith and Haru who were told not to whistle near
the restaurent. They vehemently protested "Where to whistle then?"
Karthi and Vicchu worked as a team then and now too. My wife Eswari and I found Surya a nice
bloke. I saw Uttara wearing a T shirt saying IGNORE HIM. I told her that Surya was too
good a fellow to be ignored. I got a reply that the HIM include me and Sanjay as well.
A girlist.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
The Fairy Tale Wedding
I have asked many times Kappu and Ramesh when actually you both fell in love.
I drew a blank from Kappu.
Ramesh vaguely said that they were both in Rotract. Hardly convincing.
So let me create a most likely scenario.
A rotract guy wanted to propose to another girl.
He wrote a note WILL YOU MARRY ME.
He left it at a desk where he assumed the girl
will come next. As he was a coward and fool
he didn't write his name.
Kappu comes into the room next and sits in some
other table and gets fully engrossed in some work.
Ramesh comes next and goes to the table with the note.
"Hi Kappu, here is a note that says 'Will you marry me?'
Kappu says "What?"
Kappu still engrossed in her work thinks Ramesh
is asking what her initial was.
Suddenly it strikes to her that Ramesh should
be definitely knowing her initials.
There was a deafening roar as other rotarians
had just come in and heard Ramesh saying
Will you marry me and Kappu saying Yes.
Congradulations started pouring in as both
resigned to their fate.
Welcome SAJJITH.
Friday, February 5, 2010
From Chendi
Its my debut and about 90 Sivananda colony.
That means I am on home turf.
Home away from home for all of the family.
Teaming with friends and relatives.
A perfect stranger can stay for days together without
getting detected.
A host of people doing washing cooking and cleaning.
And a towering figure doing all the earning and never
bothering to find where it was going. The bookshelves
kept full with very interesting books. How many times
I have read the psychology books I don't remember.
From my college in Salem I used to come to play
cricket, table tennis and athletics. I used to drop by.
I was chided by periyamma for not bringing my friends
along. At my 25th college anniversary my friends
remembered and asked me how everyone was.
Karthi told me recently that Surya asked her how
many boyfriends she had. I know Kappu had one.
Unfortunately she married him. I had only Kalyanis
friends as friends from the opposite sex. Shanthi
Sastri was my favourite. "Oollu palama blanka
Im just a bird in the sky" I cant forget her
singing and playing the guitar.
Once I borrowed Kappu's bicycle to go to GCT to
attend an athletic meet. I saw a white dog overtake
me at full speed. It was Robby. Try however I could
not shake it. I felt like MARY. Every where that I
went the dog was sure to go.Finally my friends
took care of him as I ran the 110m hurdles.
Excursions to jungles with creeks. Ramesh as a
ninth standard boy sang a pop version of a
patriotic song and was scolded by a malayaalee.
That guy harrassed us throughout our way back.
Kalai said that the guys should have thrashed him.
We said we had to look for the welfare of the
women folk first.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Its all about food
Dachu's nongu post gets so many responses while I ask for some data and don't receive any !!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Data Bank
Also, i would like to create a family tree and an address..etc data bank.Like Vishy recently said, he doesn't have access to people's phone numbers.
Since the number of people is more than 100... PLEASE DO HELP. I find that I dont know many of the names of the latest kids. You'd like to know too, wouldnt you.. when you meet the mothers:-)
And also, it would be useful for those people who are going to conduct a wedding and need the contact addresses.
Send me the
names, date of birth, wedding anniversaries, addresses, email ids and a small passportphoto of each person in your branch of the family.
by email.