But look at the pics and see if it was worthy of a quick decision. Surya, karthy and uthra helped to make the decision. This is from Fab India.

Th place mats were made by kapu long ago, and only now have found a suitable place so they are out now.
Yes, the chairs are the old ones. My budget didnt stretch far enough for the chairs :-) And I didnt like like them anyway.
I find there are many drafts of posts that people have written and forgotten about. Please finish and post them on the blog or delete
i remember painting this :).....
nice tablr kal. worth the waiting. a bit green am i.
nice tablr kal. worth the waiting. a bit green am i.
kaps kal has got it after 25 years.u stil hav a long way to go. she has a table with no chairs. i have chairs with no table! family tradition continues.siv. colony is yet to replace the dining stools.
dis family is weird...alll the ssters at this age after 20 years of marriage life are getting tables ad chairs...and that too only you are enjoying it and we are jus seeing it from miles away...were you all waiting for the kids to go out so that you can enjoy..so mean..i will be der soon to dirty it kalu chitthi..i waanna hav a nice dinner in it too..will get there soon...
Haru, you got it right when you said we had to wait till you people left to get the good things we want.
But a dining table is for people to eat, so any time is fine.
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