Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Fairy Tale Wedding

another guest post ..very imaginative from Chendi

I have asked many times Kappu and Ramesh when actually you both fell in love.
I drew a blank from Kappu.
Ramesh vaguely said that they were both in Rotract. Hardly convincing.
So let me create a most likely scenario.

A rotract guy wanted to propose to another girl.
He wrote a note WILL YOU MARRY ME.
He left it at a desk where he assumed the girl
will come next. As he was a coward and fool
he didn't write his name.

Kappu comes into the room next and sits in some
other table and gets fully engrossed in some work.
Ramesh comes next and goes to the table with the note.
"Hi Kappu, here is a note that says 'Will you marry me?'
Kappu says "What?"
Kappu still engrossed in her work thinks Ramesh
is asking what her initial was.
Suddenly it strikes to her that Ramesh should
be definitely knowing her initials.
There was a deafening roar as other rotarians
had just come in and heard Ramesh saying
Will you marry me and Kappu saying Yes.
Congradulations started pouring in as both
resigned to their fate.
Welcome SAJJITH.

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