Sunday, March 29, 2009

hi folks,

lots of inputs on the blog.
sajit is all out relaxing. of course i do my share of deflating the fun but it doesnt have any effect.
sanju has hols for 2months. who invented these long summer hols ????.

ok see u. have to drop sajit for his match.
hi folks,

lots of inputs on the blog.
sajit is all out relaxing. of course i do my share of deflating the fun but it doesnt have any effect.
sanju has hols for 2months. who invented these long summer hols ????.

ok see u. have to drop sajit for his match.

Friday, March 27, 2009 i come

people in 12 th atlast (11 results are not yet out but still do have the confidence that i will go through.....)...... already the stupid extra class have started........not even 1 day break.......but still thats not gonna stop me.......already attended 2 dinner parties in 12......:):) already startin about doin every day portions and all that stuff......

11 jus cant beleive it got it was awesome...over in a flash.....stil cant of the best years.....we won our first bet match...200 bucks it was a nice day lost 100......still the series is match on monday(hopefully will get it back)

still have 2 watch lotta movies i missed.....13 b mostly on saturday.....hopin 2 see ayan before the first week......thennnnnn...........hmmm.....nothin much......

gr8 2 see blog s back on track ........lotta a new additions to the family..........good news

k.......bye bye
i'm coming home!
i'm coming home! 
i'm coming home!

small problem of exams and a few submissions before that...
but it'll be over on tuesday...... :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hiiii All!!!

With the heat of recession gaining its momentum, I have a great news to chill down... Sandhya being last-in in her company, had her fingers crossed for not being given a pink slip, or salary cut.. but the great news is that except her all in the hierarchy were given a 20% cut and to add on to the cream is she is given a Bonus for her work done!!!!!!! Young generation are proving to be really hard workers and goal oriented.... Hats offf!!!

Hasini looks really cute....


4 smarts sister ,

chitti says , here they r

what a suprise, lot of pics

vanakam chitti, very happy to see ur grand child, cute,take care goutham and saroj

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


HI Kids

I second Ravi's recommendation of Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. There is a copy with Appa but it has to stay in circulation and not get hoarded.
One chapter which I did note especially for Surya is a study on players in Canada. If they are born in January, then they have a much better chance to make the league - I forget which game -hockey or football :-))So Surya, you were born lucky.

This is also an open invitation to any kid who has finished exams and wants a break. You can come and spend a few days in Ooty. Bed and breakfast for upto 6. Bring your friends so you can create your own entertainment. I promise not to baby sit unless your parents insist.

Anyone whose pics are not included in Mad hatters - please tell me. i will add them when I can.. just now a virus seems to be slowing down the computer terribly

A busy blog

This blog seems to getting busier day by day
Hasini pictures as cute and seems like aunty is rightly enjoying her little one
I think with grandchildren they are more fun as no responsibilty and you can hand them back when you want
Life for me is as busy as ever
the kids are finishing exams soon
Ash has special classes thru the summer so they are not coming here
I will go there for some time
Has everyone read Outliers - suggest you do
its a good read
the new jeffery archer is very average
he seems to have run out of ideas
the next one may be about something to with Obama ( just a guess !

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hasini's first smile for the camera

The first smile -A cute smile-for grand-maaa.I want to share with you all.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hey Everyone

Its good to see the blog so active all of a sudden. Everyone competing to display their pics and shoutign their opinions.. This is how 90 Sivananda Colony should actually be like... I always remember the noise and the crowds of people. I guess we are always so happy to see each other, its a nice family to grow up in.

I think im the luckiest among the grandchildren coz i got to spend 4 years of college there... I only realise now what a great time it was.. there were people coming and going all the time.. i was perennially at the station or the bus stand picking and dropping...

I am not going to comment on Hasinis pictures (I learn fast :) Most of my memories of Madras are connected to your house also Lalli ammachi. We used to land up every vacation, and have such a good time, get up as late as we want, good food, going out with Selvi akka to so many places, no parents around to tell us to behave... we had the time of our lives..

Surya how many sports do you play? Seems amazing to me, coz ive never played one in my life.. and u are going form soccer to baseball to what next?? :))

Hasini-- again


Dear all,
I received some nice photos of Hasini 1 month and 20 days old.I enjoyed this cute little girl and I wanted to share with you all. I relax on sundays to watch new additions in Blog. I wish you all continue this link.-

4 SMART sisters---Nirmala-the great Social worker.
Jayalakshmi---Best Match maker
Charumathi---Divine inspiration
Vathsala------Doting House wife

Are They Not Smarter than all of youuuuuuu?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello We had our first soccer game of the tournament today we won 4-1 we are playing in a gold tournament when we are a silver level team yet we pulled it off I scored 3 goals and it was great fun well Bye all.


hello everyone we have another soccer tournament this weekend last one of the year wahooo! Baseball starting up this week and basketball practise on Monday man this spring break i have been busy! Went to a friends B-day Party and Partied all night and came and just crashed and sports all week, today went to the mall with my mom and friends!

Friday, March 20, 2009

its nice

its nice to see the blog picking up with surya ashwatha and aunty logging in after so long.

aunty its nice to hear from u. ur grand child looks very cute.
we all know how difficult our family must have been for u,and however much u might have cursed all of us for descending on u every hols both in ooty and madras we children have only fond memories. of the unlimited chicken we ate at ur house , of ur hospitality u showed . our early memories of madras are linked to montieth lane, . sajit was suprised at my knowledge of places in nd around egmore , and i would always regale him with stories of how we spent time at ur house.

thank u aunty for all those lovely memories.
especially we remember how u made us hold a wet towel in front of the fan for selvis sake when she was a baby. those were the pre ac days.


Celebrations After The 11th Common Exam !!!!!

Okay , here's all of us partying up after the exams , not that i studied that much but....

WELCOME :-)))))))))

Lovely to get two more family members actually writing on this family bandwagon.

Surya, good to hear from you. Tell us about what games you play. With some pics.

Aunty, Thanks for all the reaffirmation about the way we keep in touch. We feel connected this way. That people out there want to know what we are doing. I think its especially good for the children to know that they have so many people around the globe who care about them and are interested in their welfare.

Athai is now 90+ and very frail. Appa looks after her with so much care right from her morning coffee to her tablets, breakfast and dinner. But she still reads the paper, watches the news and is interested in everyone and everything.

Only now we realise how difficult it must have been for you and maybe for other people too, to break into an established set of relationships and create your own space.
But you brought so much freshness Aunty and a completely different way of thinking. And introduced us to a new world. Specially dressing so well and being assertive about what you want. Being comfortable. Having your own priorities. Music and dancing. Enjoying yourself wherever you are.

WE will give new vigor now to saying 'vanga vanga'. :-))

Thursday, March 19, 2009

malarum ninaivugal

I think of 90 Sivananda Colony,A HOUSE OF PARADISE.All dramatic features of eminent personalities creaped out of this heavenly nest. All are blasted out to different destinations yet keen to know each other through this BLOG. A real lively tool to know day to day events of universally disbursed missing links.I think of many super ,powerful persons of this house when I got married in 1975. My associations with this house is really an ever green garland of mixed feelings. The morning greetings with hot coffee. Even now an 80+ lady is standing there to give you coffee in the morning if you go to this Mansion. I learnt to greet people only from this house. The way they greet you--Vanga Vanga---AAHA I can never forget that.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Break

Hello Everyone It's Surya, here it's raining and we are on our spring break vacation so just bored.

Doctor's Vote

Since we have a few docs here; here is a suitable kadi
for the rest of us; it improves our vocabulary

When a panel of doctors was asked to vote on adding a new wing to their hospital, the Allergists voted to scratch it and the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.

The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the administration had a lot of nerve, and the Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception.

The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted; the Pathologists yelled, 'Over my dead body', while the Pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!'

The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, the Radiologists could see right through it, and the Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.

The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, 'This puts a whole new face on the matter."

The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists felt the scheme wouldn't hold water.

The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.

In the end, the Proctologists left the decision up to some ass in administration.

New technology

Have a look....

http://www.ted. com/talks/ pattie_maes_ demos_the_ sixth_sense. html

It's coming....

Sounds wonderful.. but how much info do we need?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

just enjoying

suddenly lot of news ,pics , but i am in tension till 19 th when saroj finish his exams

maybe extend till his results

so far so good he has done

next year heavy competion

hope u all understand



Why is the blog sizzling all of a sudden ? But it is nice this way..
Where are the Juniors though? Aswatha, Nandika..busy with exams?? Where is 'father-figure' to all ? Goutham?
Hopefully Surya joins us soon. We hear that he gets kudos for being 'best-behaved-boy'. So Kapu can't keep taking all this immodest credit all the time.

When Dachu told me that Kapu has written something about a joyful simple bus ride; I only went grrrr.... After 25 years of bus riding on the ghat roads, I can only say a bus ride is a bus ride. Sometimes, its stinks and sometimes its very pleasant. Now Kalai too has become a daily commuter.

Rajini talks about yoga in Baba, telling Manisha how to exercise. Ravi have you started doing toppukarnams now?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the joy of simple things.

last week i took a ride home on a bus after leaving my car for service. it being a govt holiday and nothing pressing to get home too i decided to get into a bus after so many years. it was a suprisingly pleasant cloudy weather , the cool breeze and the trip was short but sweet. i enjoyed not driving, able to take my eyes of the traffic and peer over the garden walls into lawns and gardens from my vantage point. the conductor was suprisingly pleasant and even returned the 1 rs change. what happened in the intervening years to our rude conductors.

ravi i couldnt open the video as yet. will try again. as they say old is gold. anyone remembers the movie where rajini waxes eloquent about how housework is related to yoga.

darshu--as a mother of two sons i thank u for ur comments on my elder ---its the upbringing u see !!!!!!!
BUT register my protest in defence of the younger.

as kalu rightly asked where were u when the party was going on at home. actually i was ordered to keep away and i was allowed in only after a phone call. i walked in to find them all decently in line like in a identification parade. the site of those hunks at 15 years almost made me quiver in my bare feet.


For those of you have had the experience to be asked to put thoppukarnam either at home or at school or praying - Good news you were doing a brain workout !
Please see the video link
There are so many things that we do that have that are age old customs ans slowly we will find the scientific basis for this !

Saturday, March 14, 2009

More and more pics

Selvi asked me to add this but couldnt till now

more photos

Happy Holi!!!!

ayio. .. . . . ayio

seri seri . . . .. . . . atleast most of u remembered my birth day........but people i think i have to teach u all few things......... during birth days u have to give gifts to the matter where u are............... so better learn quickly..........anyway ya thank u all.......good to get the sweeetest guy post... dony know how long its gonna last..

had a good b a new phone ......a big suprise....went out wit friends for ice cream and biriyani....thats alll>........ exams now soo supposed to b studyin

ayio. .. . . . ayio

Friday, March 13, 2009


What makes a guy sweet?
(Besides Sajit who has inherited Kapu's genes)

1. Being well -fed
2. Living in a land far away from his family (ask his children about this)

Can anyone think of any other reasons? I have to keep this blog going after all those comments?

Happy Birthday!

To the sweetest guy in the family ( that i know is going to invite lots of controversy and im prepared :DD )
Good natured, good humoured, wise cracking dude
Impressively unfazed during his dads shouting matches
Favourite among aunts and paatis ( especially during Vatthal making sessions)
Passionate cricketer
Maybe a musical maestro in the making (We'll know once he gets past Twinkle Twinle on the guitar)
All this and more...
But a title? That would undoubtedly be "King of Kadis"

PS: I know ths is 3 days late... but i have to live upto family standards

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hats off to Kalu for her great efforts.... is it genes???? just as kapu said with a thin string she is able to climb heights... Great round of applause please...


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

add on,

lets add kalu to the list,
the only one to make time for the less fortunate spending both her resources and time. keeping the blog going in face of all adverse comments and thus tying up the family together even if only with a thin thread. occasionally stirring up the hornets nest and keeping things alive.

kar is someone i always think of when the physical work at home or the kids get to me. if she can mangw without much help at home then so should i with no cause to complain.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Corrections, Errors, Addenda, Omissions

My last post has raised a lot of reactions, specially from uxorious husbands so I have some clarifications to make.

Celebrating women in our family was about women working outside the home in addition to keeping house, bringing up children, welcoming guests, coping with families and in-laws and all the things that life brings and staying positive in spite of all this which is the strongest trait of this family. Working has made them much more rounded , more interesting, more balanced people I strongly believe.

Kapu has been left out - i don't know if she minds this particularly. I was just waiting till she makes youngest Professor in the family to celebrate her.
GG- doesn't actually qualify - this was just to encourage her and remind her that we expect her to be in the workforce soon.
Dachu - says Karthy was the first to move out of the state to work and study.
Sri- - a very strong focus, efficiency in whatever she chooses to do and generosity in material things.

I said 'add your own stuff'- do that

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Purple Hats and Pink Chaddis

To all the Wonderful Women In our Family -Achievers All

Just a message - we've read this often but we need to remind ourselves ...

Age 3- She looks at herself in her purple hat, and sees a Queen.
Age 8- She looks at herself and sees Cinderella.
Age 15- She looks at herself and sees an Ugly sister
(Mom, I can't go to school looking like this!)
Age 20- She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" but decides she's going out anyway.
Age 30- She looks at herself and sees "too fat/too thin, too short/too tall, too straight/too curly" decides she doesn't have time to fix it, but she's going out anyway.
Age 40- She looks at herself and says "too much to do, can't get it all done, it's been a long day, and I'm going out anyway".
Age 50- She looks at herself and thinks "I am just fine" and goes wherever she wants to go.
Age 60- She looks at herself and sees wisdom and laughter, and goes out and enjoys life.
Age 70- She looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see themselves in the mirror anymore. Then goes out and conquers the world.
Age 80- Doesn't even bother to look. She just puts on that purple hat, goes out, and has fun with the world.

Maybe we should all grab that purple hat a little earlier.

Lets celebrate :

Kalai : Resuming her career with a new job !After becoming a grandmother
Chelvi : Resuming her career within a week of having a new baby
Sakthi : The single minded single woman in the family
Karthy : The first to immigrate to new frontiers
Lalli Aunty: Still shouldering burdens of family and career
Anandhi: Started her career so late and rising up steadily
Sandhya: Putting old stuff behind and bravely, positively facing a future
Dachu: First to move out of the state to Study and now to work
Gigi: Tried hard to beat family records with first baby

Come on, add to this list.

Dont' forget the battle axes chittis.. the real Liberated women of our family