Friday, March 27, 2009 i come

people in 12 th atlast (11 results are not yet out but still do have the confidence that i will go through.....)...... already the stupid extra class have started........not even 1 day break.......but still thats not gonna stop me.......already attended 2 dinner parties in 12......:):) already startin about doin every day portions and all that stuff......

11 jus cant beleive it got it was awesome...over in a flash.....stil cant of the best years.....we won our first bet match...200 bucks it was a nice day lost 100......still the series is match on monday(hopefully will get it back)

still have 2 watch lotta movies i missed.....13 b mostly on saturday.....hopin 2 see ayan before the first week......thennnnnn...........hmmm.....nothin much......

gr8 2 see blog s back on track ........lotta a new additions to the family..........good news

k.......bye bye

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