Wednesday, March 25, 2009

HI Kids

I second Ravi's recommendation of Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. There is a copy with Appa but it has to stay in circulation and not get hoarded.
One chapter which I did note especially for Surya is a study on players in Canada. If they are born in January, then they have a much better chance to make the league - I forget which game -hockey or football :-))So Surya, you were born lucky.

This is also an open invitation to any kid who has finished exams and wants a break. You can come and spend a few days in Ooty. Bed and breakfast for upto 6. Bring your friends so you can create your own entertainment. I promise not to baby sit unless your parents insist.

Anyone whose pics are not included in Mad hatters - please tell me. i will add them when I can.. just now a virus seems to be slowing down the computer terribly

1 comment:

Sajit Ganapathi said...

tanks 4 the invitation:) i actually suggested 2 my friends but they told after jus keep the invitation open for another year