Monday, February 8, 2010

kar and vishy

hello ,
this is to get the record straight on chendi's write up about kar. there were only 2 other grooms who actually came to see kar. one was too short. the other few prospective grooms were vetoed out due to horoscope mismatch etc. kar n vishy were people who had seen a lot of life n the world .they were not protected, cloistered individuals like some of us were. they were far ahead in their thinking n outlook when they got to meet each other . n the - best repeat-- the best thing about them is they truly looked beyond the narrow rules laid down in an indian marriage, stuff which really does not consider whether the people getting married r suitable for each other on a personal level. vishy said ok becos he looked beyond the physical aspects n saw the individual n person beyond it . a genuine caring, affectionate , practical person , suited for him. kar too must hav felt the same. they may hav had their ups n down in their married life . but that is common in all marraiges .when we r all writing up so much about sivananda colony n appa n ammma , the next best couple nearest to them r vishy n kar in my opinion. if any of us had a problem tomorrow -- we do have lots of our family support system to come forward to help no doubt, --but each have their own limitations to help so much n no more. but that wil not be the case with vishy. he will give all he has to help anyone. their home is an open one to all in need for however long one needs. we r lucky to have likes of him, n lalli aunty anandi, n vidya n goutham in the family.


kalpana said...

that was a right opinion about kar and vishy. they make a geeat couple understanding each other annd accepting each other.
also able to help anyone.

kalpana said...

that was a right opinion about kar and vishy. they make a geeat couple understanding each other annd accepting each other.
also able to help anyone.

Lalithakumari said...

Dear Kalai,
Well said about Kar and Vishy. I still remember, I was with Kar when she was informed about Vishy and she was not showing any interest in Ponnu parkum padalam. But I told her Hi! the guy looks interesting so go for the last time. Thank God that was the Good time to get Vishy. They are really great. I wish them A long and prosperous future.
Lalli Aunty